all to myself

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*I've loved you when i layed eye upon you an i don't know how to tell you*

It was another day in kortac
And everyone was training out in the field,
The weather was cloudy and slightly cooler then yesterday.

Watching everyone in the field training and fighting like little toddlers with a sugar rush
Made a chuckle Escape my mouth
Once again,

Still watching the outher lieutenants fight I felt I tap on my shoulder,
I slowly turn my head to see a 6'10 mountain of a man standing right in front of me looking down at my small frame with a slight grin in his eyes.

"HI I'm konig, I've seen you standing here and I didn't recognize you? Are you new by any chance"

He explained with his thick German accent whlie holding out his hand to introduce himself to you,

"Yes sir I am, I've recently joined last I'm just standing here to see what I need to do"

We shook each other hand but
My neck began to hurt from having to look at a fucking german giraffe hovering over me,
But I tried to hide the pain through my words a little
"Fuck my neck is ganna be sore after this"
I thought to myself as he began to talk once again.

"Ahh, I see well I can always help train with you if you need someone *schotzie's* (sweetheart)"

I turned my head In confusion of
What "schotzie's" ment but I just rubbed it off and continue with the conversation

"Yes sir I would love that, thank you I appreciate it"

A voice echoed across the field
"Training is over return to base"
And we saw all the rookies run inside,
Me and konig look at each other one more time before we started to walk away to base together slowly.

Feeling him walk next to me made me nervous and a bit scared from how imitating he looks to the masked he wore and his height compared to mine as we walked in silence for the rest of the way.

Sooner or later we finally arrived back to base together.
He opened the Door and followed behind me.
I started to walk to the kitchen where everyone was.
but something was off I felt eyes on me like glued on me.

My head turns to see Konig looking down at me his eyes squinted like he was smiling so I smiled back to be kind.

"Lieben your short, you know?"

He teased with a slight chuckle in his tone.

"And your awfully tall for some reason?"

Blush covered my face at the sudden tease but I tried to hide but I couldn't even If I tried
"Do I like him already?"
I question myself quietly in my head.

"And what does *lieben* or *schotzie's* mean? Sorry I'm just confused"

His eyes never left mine As he shook his head slightly from my dumd and confused question that left my mouth.

"For me to know and you to find out, ja?"

I rolled me eyes and turned around to my brackets instead of going to eat like everyone else.

"Hey I did get you're name *lieben*?"

He followed me to me my brackets as I was about to close the Door but suddenly it stopped.
I look to see what was in the way and to my surprise it was konig
An He followed me like a lost puppy.


My voice was low and still confused from earlier and why he followed me.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't get you're name?"

Konig one shots Where stories live. Discover now