.+*General Fiction Results*+.

24 7 7

Judged by: kailucy

Sorry it took so long! Congratulations to everyone and thank you so much for participating.

5. The Wedding Diary

Rating: 9

Well written. It's fun and engaging. The characters are interesting and the dialogue feels real. 


Rating: The Voice or the Echo? by Anu_Mani

Rating: 9.2

The cover is wonderful and fits the theme of the story perfectly. The blurb is well-written and made me curious to read on. The writing is immersive and for such a serious topic you handled it very tactfully. Great job!

🥉 Memoirs of a Middle Child by Butterflies1980

Rating: 9.5

This was very wonderfully written. The vocabulary is perfect and the word choice is great. The character's voice is super engaging making it hard to put down. 

🥈 Kabuki by CrysTravel2019

Rating: 9.8

The narration is straightforward. You do a great job at writing three-dimensional characters. I found myself wanting to read more and more and never wanted to put it down. 

1. The Wattpad Game by AnnamitaMuscaria

Rating: 10

The cover is great and eye-catching. The blurb is well-written and made me curious to read on. I didn't want to put this down. I really didn't. The characters are well-crafted and their voices are so engaging and fun to read. The plot is fun and fast-paced. I will definitely be continuing once I go back and vote on the chapters.


🥇A Ballad of Heroes by BellOfSilence

Rating: 10

The cover is gorgeous! The blurb was perfect, it's everything that would convince me to pick it up. My attention was captured from the first line. The prologue has probably the best battle scene I have read. Throughout the book, your writing never failed to amaze me. The imagery was perfection. Keep writing! 

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