Chapter 18 | The White Bear

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Calamity was lucky she got new clothes before they found her

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Calamity was lucky she got new clothes before they found her.

She was clad in jean bellbottoms and a black tank top tucked under them. It was the nicest clothes she'd worn in decades- a massive upgrade.

Standing further back in the bathroom... she was terrified. The last thing Calamity needed was to be sent back to the hospital.

"I'm a doctor, not a cop." The heavy voice outside rumbled. It was deep and smooth—thick with a Canadian accent like smooth butter—and it made her knees go weak. "I only want to help," he'd add.

It was hard to say no to that, especially considering her curiosities about this man's appearance.

Calamity took timid steps toward the door- sucking in a deep breath. Her heart was thundering in her chest.

She gazed at the marble floor, which bore semblance to her appearance in its reflections. Her fluffy mohawk was soft and gentle, but the sides were awkwardly overgrown. Her black eye still stood true.

Resting a hand on her forehead- it ached like the rest of her body.

She dropped her hand and pursed her lips, "Back the fuck up." She hissed.

Footsteps shuffled outside the bathroom door- getting as far from the door as they could in the confined space. Subtle whispers were shared amongst them before all went quiet.

"We've backed up." Another voice, more husky, announced.

She twisted the lock with an apprehensive taste in her mouth- the she-wolf pushed the door open and stepped outside.

Her eyes immediately set on a man as delicious as a royal meal. His long platinum hair flowed down his shoulders and back like a silky waterfall- cut and preened with the dexterous hands of care.

Eyes white like the moon widened as they settled on hers. Angled brows, sharp and shaped perfectly, uplifted as their gazes met.

Something inside her stirred- shifting and muttering incomprehensibly.

It was like a sunset- the sun rising into the sky and brightening her world. She saw everything with colour and majestic beauty.

Her gaze was uncontrollable as it gazed up and down his body- studying his masculine figure with hunger. His formal white blouse blended in with his white dress pants. The black belt heavily contradicted the sterile aesthetic.

Calamity's hunger for him was enthralling. Standing before her, tall and foreboding, was her supposed doctor...

Every crevice of his body begged to be explored. She wanted to touch him- to wrap himself around him. Oh, goddess, what was wrong with her?

She breathed out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Her heart did jumping jacks at the sight of the man... leaving her breathless and bothered.