Chapter V - Into the deep

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Eliza's heart races as she looks into Dan's deep brown eyes, her own bright blue ones mirroring the playful excitement in his smile. She takes a step closer to him, her bare feet touching the cool wooden planks beneath them.

"Absolutely," Eliza responds, her voice barely a whisper.

Together, they jump off the dock, their laughter echoing throughout the clearing, and their bodies plunge into the crystal-clear waters, feeling the icy shock coursing through their veins. For a moment, they both float on the surface, taking in the breathtaking beauty of the lake and the surrounding forest.

The water feels wonderful after their adventurous journey and they swim to the other side of the lake. They find a small, secluded cove where they can hide from the view of the sunbathers. The water is calm and the sun's rays filter through the trees, creating a warm, inviting atmosphere.

Once they reach the cove, Eliza suggests they try their luck at skipping stones. Dan laughs and agrees, and together they wade through the water to find the perfect rocks. They take turns throwing their stones, watching them skim across the lake's surface, some bouncing four or five times before sinking.

Eliza struggles to skip the stones across the water, so Dan steps in to show her a new technique.

As Dan stands behind her and demonstrates the proper form, she can feel the warmth of his body radiating against her skin, a pleasant contrast to the cool water they were just in.

She can feel Dan's breath on her neck, sending shivers down her spine. She blushes as Dan holds onto her arm and explains everything with his face inches from hers. She's not even paying attention to his words; she's just enjoying the moment.

"Like this", Dan says as he guides Eliza's arm in the correct throwing motion. In doing so, her warm buttcheecks accidentally brush against Dan's groin.

Immediatly Dan feels a surge of arousal from the touch, but he tries to compose himself. He can sense blood rushing to his groin, and he knows he needs to control it or it will press against Eliza's back.

Eliza feels does it, but she tries not to make a big deal of it. She is secretly flattered by the attention and her cheeks turn a deeper shade of pink as she notices Dan's visibly aroused state.

Fortunately, she knows how to diffuse the tension. In the distance, a group of ducks swim peacefully. She directs Dan's attention towards them, and they both appreciate the elegant movements of the birds as they glide across the water.

After observing them for a second, they decide to rest for a moment and lie down on the soft, green grass, letting the sun warm their bodies.

They close their eyes and listen to the gentle lapping of the waves against the shore, feeling the soothing effect of the lake's calmness.

As they relax, Eliza turns to Dan and smiles, her eyes locked onto his. "I'm glad we found this place," she says softly.

Dan smiles back, his eyes soft and full of affection. "Me too. It's just what we needed after that hike."

They continue to bask in the warmth of the sun for a while longer, enjoying the peace and tranquility.

Eliza can't resist stealing a glance at Dan. The sun's rays make his body glisten, and her eyes eagerly take in every inch as she recalls what lies beneath his swim trunks. A shiver runs down her spine at the thought.

After a few moments of comfortable silence, she breaks the quiet with a question. "I can feel the sun burning. Could you please put some sunscreen on my back?"

Dan's cheeks turn rosy, but he nods in agreement. Eliza flips onto her stomach and removes her bikini top, making sure to keep her breasts hidden from Dan's view.

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