Chapter 1:

33 2 0

Day: 3,650

Today during one of my scouting, I discovered and saw something very interesting, I was doing my usual scouting finding extra supplies and food when I spotted something near a small stream of water, I went over to get a good look at it and I discovered that it was a doll no bigger than 8 inches tall but this was no ordinary doll I've seen, it looked as if someone had made it from burlap and leather, and the inside had a metal skeleton, very interesting, the bottom part of it looked like someone stuff their legs harshly inside, sewn together the legs, sewn something on the legs, then it was cut in half by something sharp, the poor thing

I turned it over and saw it had the number 2 on it, a very odd name for the doll, as I was about to inspect it more, I heard a loud explosion that scared me half to death because it was far too loud for it to be a grenade or a land mine, I looked up at the sky to see smoke so I followed it, tucking the doll I had found into my bag. I followed the smoke to a burning factory, it was destroyed as if something had blown it up from the inside. I looked through the wreckage and spotted something underneath a slab of metal, with a stick I lifted the sheet of metal to see that it was another doll but with light tan burlap and bulkier and wrapped up in red string

I was completely surprised by how it had survived that explosion and the fire without a single scratch or burn, I picked up the doll and noticed that it was wearing some broken gears on its chest and he had the number 8 on his right arm. I placed the doll into my bag and began walking around the fire and up a hill where I found another doll on the ground, this one was burlap as well with buttons on his chest and a leather patch on his left eye that had a hole on it, as if something burned right through it, I turned it over and saw that it had the number 5 on its back

As I looked at the doll I heard a cannon firing in the distance, I thought that was impossible and I went to the bridge placing the doll into my bag only to find it collapsed, I was dumbfounded, I'd crossed that bridge a hundred times and it was still sturdy, something big must've broken it, I couldn't go around the cavern so I climbed down, luckily this wasn't my first time climbing up and down steep things. When I reached the bottom I saw the wreckage of the bridge wondering what could have caused it to collapse when something glistened on my glasses

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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