Alexis's Story

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Scene opens on a corner in a small neighborhood. It is sunny already, despite the early hour. There are two people standing on the corner. The boy is rather tall with really curly brown hair that covers his eyes. He is holding a backpack and a sketchpad. He is leaning on the stop sign. The girl is average height with long black hair that covers her right eye. It has dark red streaks in it. She is also holding a backpack.

P1: What are you drawing? The eye you can see is staring at the boy halfheartedly.

P2: Here The boy holds his arm out offering the girl his sketchbook. She glances down at the picture with no expectations. Her face seems to light up and she nearly cracks a smile.

P1: That’s epic.

P2: Grins cockily, I know.

P1: Slaps the boy’s arm, Don’t get cocky.

P2: I’M Chris.

P2: Alexis

The scene fades to black. New scene begins outside of an average house surrounded by other average houses. It’s second from the corner. Chris is standing at the corner with his stuff. You can tell a few weeks have passed. The door of the house opens and for a brief moment you hear yelling, as if the door was soundproof. Alexis quickly walks out and nearly slams the door behind her. She walks over to the corner where she stops dumbfounded.

Alexis: Why are you outside of my house?  Her face is caught between amusement and worry.

Chris: I walked you home yesterday from the bus, and I figured I’d walk with you today. He slings his arm casually around her shoulder. Alexis shifts uncomfortably then smiles slightly for a split second before relaxing.

Alexis: Why did you remember where I lived? She stares sideways with an odd confused expression on her face.

Chris: Looks down and smiles at her face. I told you, I figured I’d walk with you to the bus stop, so I remembered which house was yours.

Alexis: Dot, Dot, Dot.

Camera slowly moves back and up so you can see the two laughing and walking to the bus stop from the previous scene. The scene starts again in a classroom. Alexis is sitting at a table towards the back with a few other people.

Lilly: What did you do last class?

Lorelei: Well, Gabby and I started the painting. Ben sat there.

Alexis: Well. Both Alexis and Lilly turn to look at Ben. Lilly looks ready to kill him, while Alexis looks annoyed. The four girls all sit on the floor and begin painting.

Alexis: I still can’t believe Marie said that!

Lilly: I can, its Marie.

Alexis: Still.

Lorelei: What are you talking about?

Lilly: Marie was teasing Alexis about how Chris was her lover. Lilly  chooses that moment to look down at the painting and her short hair is just long enough to mainly hide her smirk.

Gabby: You’re dating Chris? Looks both incredulous and happy

Alexis and Lilly: No.

Gabby: Oh, do you have a crush? Someone that makes your heart feel all warm and fuzzy? Alexis looks towards Lilly with a “Shoot me now” face. Lilly openly smirks this time and goes back to working.

Alexis: No, I have no heart. Mr. Martinez overhears and pulls up a chair nearby.

Mr. Martinez: I don’t believe that. I’m sure deep down inside you’re a sweet nice person. He smiles honestly. Alexis gives him a “What the hell?” face.

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