
855 43 74

April 1907.

          Elska, Theseus and Newt sat silently in their compartment. None of them tried to speak, it had been like this since yesterday when Newt got expelled from school for 'endangering his classmates', which was a lie, but hadn't convinced the Headmaster anyways. Theseus hadn't spoken to Elska, and didn't seem like he wanted to. Newt had told her he was mad at her, so she knew he was somehow trying to hold her accountable for everything that had happened to his little brother.

"Elska, reckon you can take care of Puff for me?" Newt asked quietly as he watched outside the window.

Elska shifted uncomfortably, feeling Theseus' gaze on her, "Sure, Newt. I will."

"Who's Puff?" Theseus asked his little brother, keeping his gaze on Elska until she met his eyes. "Is that another creature that could be a danger–a threat?"

Elska simply snorted, "This is ridiculous."

Newt sighed, "It's a niffler, Theseus. We found him near the forest, but we didn't bring him back. We feed from time to time," he explained softly. "Don't be so rude to Elska...She had nothing to do with this."

"I don't believe you, Newt. You are telling me that Elska wasn't part of it, when you two have been bound to the hips since we started Hogwarts? See? Doesn't make any sense, whatsoever."

"It would be nice of actually believe me," he replied. "She was with you that night. I know it because you weren't in your bed when I came back," he muttered.

Theseus shrugged, "She left at some point."

"I left to go feed the bloody pigmy puff!" She argued. "I've already told you, Theseus. I left the bed for five minutes and then, I came back."

Theseus kept it quiet, clenching his jaw tightly as Elska scoffed and left the compartment under Newt's eyes. Perhaps he had been quite the idiot, but he was sure of himself that she had something to do with it, there was no other way. Newt was silent too, glancing at his brother here and there, afraid that if he would say another word, Theseus would just lose it. But, it was unfair to bring Elska when she wasn't even involved in the whole story.

Theseus was angry. Angry that Newt had been expelled, angry that his girlfriend...ex-girlfriend? Merlin, he didn't know. Overall, he was mad. He closed his eyes, trying to find some sleep before arriving at the train station but whenever he would start to drift away, her laugh would echo in the train or an image of her would pop up in his mind. The most divine image, if he was honest. He loved her, he truly did. With a flick of a wand, the noise was finally distant...almost nonexistent and he was finally able to close his eyes.

"Theseus," Newt muttered gently, shaking his brother as Elska read a book Penelope O'Connel had given her earlier. "Elskie, help me please."

"What for?" She muttered, standing up as she completely ignored Theseus asleep. "Shake him a little harder, Newt. He will wake up."

Newt scoffed, "Do you know him? He's a heavy sleeper!"

"Oh, trust me, I know," she mumbled under her breath, shook her head and put her bag down. Her first thought as she settled her eyes on him was how peaceful he looked, almost as though he didn't loathe her. "He's going to flip out about me waking him up."

TWIN FLAMES. . . theseus scamanderWhere stories live. Discover now