I need no omega

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Chan rolled his eyes once again. If he did it one more time, they may fall off. He was with his grandmother who explained for the gazillion time how important omegas were.

"For you. I'm perfectly fine like this." He had explained, but it was like talking to a wall.
The former queen, who was also an alpha didn't had the time to change the old beliefs that alphas were superior. The late king was an omega and the only heir back then. So, he was married to a royal alpha. She ruled over the kingdom, cuz everyone thought that omegas can't do anything but be servants. Even intimacy wasn't great with them.

"Whoring around is not perfectly fine." She growled. "I know that you scramble the sheets around this castle."

Chan laughed. "And what does it matter? Who cares what I do behind closed doors but you?" He taunted.

She was to growl again when a cup of tea was given to her. "Ignore the pup." The male said.

Chan arched a brow, looking at the newcomer. A tall, slender male. Beautiful face that it has softness to it. And Bongcha's collar. Symbolizing that the male was her property. Probably an omega.

Bongcha took the cup and sighed. The male put his long fingers on her shoulders and massaged her. She soon calmed down.

"You need to settle down Chan. Be less..." She wanted to say whoring around, but decided that Jeongin didn't need to hear it.

Chan laughed at that. A gesture that was sure to piss her off.

"Now young pup. It's not nice to ackt like that. Aren't alphas supposed to be more mature than childish?" Jeongin asked calmly while purring for Bongcha. Definitely an omega.

Chan was surprised at how the male talked to him. Yet the purring did things to him as well. He couldn't argue back for some reason. "I'm not childish." Was his comeback in the end. Not satisfying, but still something.

"You aren't? Doesn't only children anger their elders?" Jeongin continued. Pulling Chan’s tail again.

Chan growled lowly but that was shut down when Jeongin purred lauder. Chan looked dumbfounded. Wasn't the male scared?

"I have enough. Please excuse me." Chan said and stormed out. He wouldn't let be disrespected by the male.

Sure his grandfather was an omega and Chan still loved him cuz he was kind and caring. He loved his scent. Calming and sweet. He was probably the only person who paid him so much attention. But he was still an omega. He was beneath them. He remembers the punishment he received from his father for defending his grandfather. For defending an omega. After that Chan was forbidden on seeing his grandfather.

It's been a few days since he last saw his grandmother. After their talk he needed to let the steam out and went to "scramble the sheets" as Bongcha referred. Of course that got to her and she decided to pay him a visit. She wasn't alone.

While she scolded him on how a future king should behave, Jeongin was making the bed. Apparently the servant didn't do a good job according to the omega. He also rearranged the chairs around the room, opened the windows to let fresh air come in while he was scolded. By his grandmother. Infront of the damn omega.

Chan had enough and started to build up a growl when he felt two cool fingers on his nape. Squeezing. "Now pup, we don't growl at our elders." Jeongin purred.

Chan was angry. The omega was...he was scruffing him? Chan wanted to protest, to fight back, but he couldn't. He went limb.

"Good pup." Jeongin purred. Chan let a small purr in respond that surprised him.

Jeongin finally let go of Chan. "Please excuse me." He said and went to Chan’s bathroom. Once in, he could hear the omega hiss at something. After a couple of minutes, Jeongin finally got out. "It's time for lunch." He chirped at Bongcha. They headed out, leaving Chan alone.

The alpha headed to his bathroom to see what the problem was. He was surprised to find his bathroom...sterile? The omega had cleaned the already clean tub. "Cleaning freak." Chan mumbled to himself.

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