Starting off strong

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Tord after having his epiphany on how to help his friend. Decided to start working right away, telling the guys not to wait up for him. This is where the fun begins. Tord would need a small amount of research done in order to figure out how to give quirks to people. After asking for a small amount of help from Matt and a very small amount from Tom, he managed to figure out one part about quirks that had not been known. They knew that quirks were genetic, but most people didn't seem to know or even try to look into how or where they were stored in your genetics. And in reality, it seemed very suspicious that with all their knowledge of how quirks work there is yet to be any definitive discovery into the reason or place that they have been stored so he decided to start small with the DNA and that is where he found it. He found within a small piece of DNA in all of the building blocks of your body. There is regularly a small piece of the quirk, and all you would have to do is just switch it out and you could trade forks with people or you could just take quirks away from people or, you could just duplicate them this was huge but like most things this had some unwanted consequences and people looking into him.

We see tord on his way back home and during that trip he saw a few people start to follow him. He knew that looking into things like this might get them into trouble with people in the government or criminals but hey, it's all for Edd so in his mind, it might as well be worth it but 'he would have to be much more careful in the future' he would tell himself realizing that they were slowly trying to corner him. He made a very interesting plan.

But the plan involved him practically falling into their trap. He would run into an alleyway, and when he did that he saw two people go into the same alleyway he was in and he would see the two people were wearing bird masks. he also saw that they had guns on them. ' he would have to make this quick' he thought to himself. To realize the second that he started doing this research that it was going to be risky if anyone found out, and therefore he always started caring a knife on him when he went out. He would turn around and pretend like he didn't see them as a threat and would try to walk past them.

They put out their hands to the side to prevent him from walking past them  he very quickly realize that they were here to fight so he thought 'he would give them one hell of a time' with the knife, he concealed in his sleeve. Would swing at the first one in the kneecap and would quickly turn around to aim for the arm of the other guy who started to try and reach for his gun. After that he ran, and he ran fast. He certainly did not have an intention to kill those guys, but he realized that they might not feel the same way. But one thing he did realize. Was that their blood was on him.

For most people, this would seem to be a very big annoyance to be covered in someone else's blood, but Tord definitely did not think like a normal person. He decided that it would be perfect to figure out what their quirks were and maybe duplicate them. Maybe give them to someone who would use them for good

And after the usefulness of this encounter, you decided, maybe it wouldn't be so bad to have people following them around that are trying to attack him because I gives him the right to defend himself, and maybe collect a few quirks along the way

3 months later

After collecting a few quirks from people who had attacked him over the next three months, he had gotten a few new powers that he could give to Edd not all of them were winners at least Tord eyes like the ability to turn water into Coca-Cola and being slightly more resistant to high and low temperatures but then there were some really really good ones but in order to get the good ones it took up a lot of trying, mostly because landing a hit on a guy that's flying is not the easiest thing especially when you then start running away trying to escape

But he had collected and compounded a ton of different quirks altogether in order to make the ultimate quirk for his friend the reason he's trying so hard at this is number one Edd deserves it and number two it would be funny to see the faces of the people who had called him useless decimating everyone and the third reason to further his own knowledge, the slight drawback Tord's quirk is that he would continue to seek knowledge previously unknown.

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