Chapter 2: Oliver

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Emily stood at the doorway, unsure of what to make of it. The walls were adorned with an elaborate pink and white wallpaper that spread to half of the room while the other was in a similar pattern but it was blue and white. It was a rather large room, with equally large windows that overlooked the garden.

The same dark wood in the Queens room continued into this one, although this room did have a big circular rug that laid across most of the floor. In front of the windows were two beds one with pink bunny bedding and the other had blue bunny's, Emily noticed they had railings on each of the sides, resembling cribs. She chose to ignore that for the time being as she stepped into the bedroom fully.

From her position she could see that this wasn't really a bedroom at all but more like a nursery, one big enough for two. There was a giant toy chest full of stuffies and other various toys as well as a fully furnished doll house that was tall enough to reach Emily's hips. There was even a toy garage full of all types of cars and monster trucks.

A clearly expensive and childlike wardrobe was also in the nursery but there was two sizes and Emily couldn't help but notice the obvious boy clothing that was in there but once again ignored it.

Next to the wardrobe was a changing table and before she could ask any questions Seraphina quickly interrupted,

"What do you think little one?"


"Well it's not just pink there's also some blue see" Seraphina was quick to point out.

"Why do the beds have railings? And why is there a changing table in here and toys?"

"The beds have a railing to you don't fall silly and the changing table should be pretty obvious little one. Toys are so you don't get bored, although I'm sure Oliver will keep you plenty occupied."

"Who's Oliver? Is that who the changing is for?"

"You sure do have an awful lot of questions Emily, but to answer them Oliver is Veronica and I's little, he's staying at his aunts house until you are fully acclimated. So yes the changing table is also for him."

"You have a little?"  Emily was familiar with the term, a lot of people in this world had one, it was almost like a status symbol since it was often expensive. Seraphina just chuckled at the little vampire in front of her.

"Yes dear, I have one, why so surprised?"

"I just didn't think you would be the mommy type is all."

The Queen ignored the comment and instead sat down on the rocking chair and motioned for Emily to follow, she did not.

"Come here little one, now." The look in her eyes told Emily not to disobey again so she reluctantly walked towards the woman. When she reached her legs a wide smile appeared on Seraphinas lips.

"Over my knee dear."
Emily backed up but the queen caught her wrist and pulled her towards her and over her knees.

Seraphina used one hand and pressed it against Emily's back, keeping her in place. The other quickly lifted her skirt and pulled her panties down.

"What the hell are you doing stop!!"

"You are being punished for your refusal to apologize earlier and now I'm adding more due to your bad language."

"No you're NOT let me go!!"


Emily stopped moving, she stopped making any noise and tried to turn to face the queen but she was harshly turned back around. The spank didn't hurt necessarily but it did surprise her. Without a doubt Seraphina had been holding back, her strength was unmatched which is what scared Emily the most.

"You are going to be receiving 10 spanks since this is your first punishment, but next time you will not be so lucky nor will I be as generous."


About halfway through her punishment Emily was a screaming crying mess. She was practically begging the Queen to stop and Seraphina was definitely not holding back anymore. The rest of the spankings went by in the same manner, one right after the other leaving a beautiful deep red color that went across her ass.

Emily was still crying but not as much, her breath was staring to go back to normal. She tried to stand back up when she felt okay enough but the Queens hand kept her there.

"Not yet doll, now tell me why you've been punished."

"I...I...didn't apologize"

"Good girl" Seraphinas voice was a whole new tone all together, it was sweet and kind but yet there was undertones of something more condescending.

"Would you like to apologize now?"

"I'm..sorry that um that I swore at you"


"And I'm sorry I raised my voice at you?"

"Very very good girl, you are forgiven little one." Seraphina gently pulled her panties back up and put her skirt back in place.

"Soon you won't need these anymore." The Queen mentioned more to herself when she fixed Emily's underwear.

"What do you mean?"

Seraphina pulled Emily up on her lap and positioned her so the two were facing each other. It took a bit for Emily to get comfortable since her bum was still sore.
The two made eye contact but this time there was no strange feeling within Emily.

"The path that Queen Veronica and myself have chosen for you is, regression. We think that a big part of the reason you act out is the environment you were raised in. We checked up on your old Elder and the house you ran from and I will say I would have left too. That's why I took you in, I wanted to make sure no one could hurt you anymore and the only way to do that is if you're here. As Queen I have to ensure all vampires go to a suitable home during placement so when I saw your profile I knew you needed me or maybe I needed you but still. That's why you won't been your undies much longer. Soon you'll be like Oliver and you'll be wearing pull ups instead."

Emily let the information sit with her. She wasn't upset about regression or even the pull ups. She was just upset about her past and that no one except for Seraphina had pointed it out yet. Infact it really made her emotional and she had to use all of her strength to stop the tears from falling.

The Queen caught on and pressed the girl further into her as she cuddled.

"It is okay baby, because I am here, with you and nothing will happen to you while I am around I promise you that."


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