Fuck Me Now

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The breath is robbed from my lungs, and I am left panting.

I am stretched out on a terry cloth towel on the dock, soaking in the summer rays. The warmth in the atmosphere feels cozy on my nude upper half. My toes splayed on the rough wood are toasty from the afternoon sun but that is not why I am struggling for air.

My eyes affix themselves to Jackson who has emerged from the lake house, completely shirtless. A glint of light bounces off his chest, giving him the appearance of a Greek God.

I would willingly worship at his feet just for a chance to feel his length inside of me. I shiver at the mental image of him thrusting against my sex right here on the dock.

I trail my fingers over the planks as though they are his abdomen. My eyes flutter close and I envision all the naughty ways we could have fun in the lake. I graze my bare nipples, once again picturing that he is the one touching me.

I continue sunning myself, lost in fantasies of wet kisses between chilled lips as our slick skin glides against one another. I don't even notice that he has approached until he gasps. 

"Jesus, Sterling," he scolds. "Put some clothing on."

Bolting up, I grab my bikini top and haphazardly tie it around my chest. I am aware that I am still flashing a glimpse of some serious side boob, but it's not as though it's a new sight for him. Jackson has now seen my breasts twice in the past twenty-four hours and I wonder if it has him rethinking my annoyance factor.

"They're just nipples," I spit out. "You have them too, you know."

He gives me a strange look before diving off the dock and disappearing beneath the murky depths of the lake. He immediately re-emerges, shaking droplets of water from his spiked hair and glistening skin.

The scene is hot. Fuck me now, I practically whimper as I writhe at the thought.

Scooching closer to the edge of the dock, I dangle my feet over the edge. "I didn't know that you were allowed a break from your violin," I goad him. 

He gives me a mischievous smirk. "I set my Spotify playlist to classical and amped up the volume. It's a win-win. I get to swim, and my mom can be illusioned into believing that I'm practicing."

"You rebel," I tease but my insides are quivering at his deceit. The goosebumps that prick my arms can't even be blamed on the weather.

"I needed a break," he replies, treading water as he studies me.

"All work and no play make Jackson a dull boy. That explains a lot." I giggle at my own joke and expect for Jackson to respond with a scowl, but he surprises me by flicking his wrist, sending a spray of water at me.

I shriek in delight. This is as close as I come to him dousing me in another, much sexier kind of liquid.

"You need to get out and have some fun," I press. "Let's go for a ride." In my dreams, I wish to ride his hard shaft but for now, I settle on a drive.

He looks skeptical. "Where to?" 

I glance around and all I can see for miles are towering evergreens and an endless lake that seems to disappear into the pink streaks of the horizon.

I shrug. "Are you hungry?"

He cocks his head. "I suppose."

I wish to suggest that he could eat me out, but I choose to save my scandalous suggestion for a time when I am certain it will be welcomed. "Let's go to the grocery store then."

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