Are You Going To Fuck Me Or Are You Going To Continue Teasing Me?

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"You have sexy hips...a hot ass..." 

Jackson plants steamy kisses against each of those body parts on me as he lists them. A smile tugs at my lips, and I recall how only a couple of months ago, this would have been an excerpt from one of my fantasies instead of my reality.

Oh, how quickly time can change things.

I am laying on the grass, sunning myself while he runs his hands between my thighs. He gazes intently into my eyes, gauging my reactions to determine whether his strokes are effective.

And Lordie are they effective.

Tremors radiate throughout my groin as he rubs and fingers my sex. 

"Are you going to fuck me or are you just going to continue teasing me?" I question with a smirk.

Chuckling, he grabs the edge of the sheet that we are sprawled out upon, pulling the white linen over our bodies. We are immersed in a wispy cloud of floating fabric.

He lowers his mouth onto mine, his lips scorching my skin.

"I feel as though I'm dreaming," I whisper.

He smiles, trailing his fingertips along my jawline. Then wordlessly, he pulls on the strings that are keeping my bikini bottom tied around my waist. I spread my legs for him, eager to welcome him inside of me once more.

A soft grunt escapes his throat as he pushes his length into my wet opening. He can't get enough of me either.

I've lost count of the number of times we've had sex, but I do know that it's been occurring in many various locations- the bathtub, the bed, the couch, the dock, and even once on the kitchen counter when his parents had stepped out to shop for groceries.

But we are just that hot for each other. So burning is our desire that our bodies move in synchronized motion, and he gives me a lopsided grin.

"What?" I ask.

He shakes his head, a smattering of pink flushing his cheeks.

"Tell me," I probe.

His smile grows wider. "Nothing. I was just thinking that I'm happy that you barged your way into my family vacation."

I giggle, my body glowing with giddiness. Apparently, being annoying was the best decision I ever made.

Jackson continues to move inside of me until I finish. He proceeds to follow suit and afterwards, holds me while I stroke his head with my fingers.

The pieces of my life feel as though they have finally fallen into place, and I am utterly content. But as I stated before, time has a way of changing everything.


"I feel so beautiful."

Gabby's eyes mist over as she stares at her reflection in a handheld mirror. Beaming, I come up behind her and wrap my arms around her shoulders. Our eyes meet in the glass. 

"You never stopped being beautiful, Gabby," I assure her. 

But the truth is, that for the first time in a while, she has a radiance about her. The smoky eyeshadow that I have applied brings out the jade in her irises and the deep blood red of her lipstick gives her mouth a vampy seductiveness.

The curls that I've worked into her hair twists softly around her face, highlighting her brightened coloring from the blusher that stains her cheeks. Silver jewelry reflects the light of the bathroom, and her burgundy velvet dress hugs her tiny frame.

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