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I look up from twitter. Will is pacing the room, full of unnecessary nerves. His hair is perfectly styled, but he was currently walking around in joggers and a 'Fred the flintsone' vest. I drag him to the sofa, and talk to him gently "Stop freaking out, ya' big girl. Go get changed and then relax!" He moves his neck from side to side like he'd preparing for a boxing match. He leaves the room talking about "opportunity's" and "dreams". Pansie.

Kemzi  enters wearing a bath robe. I excepted her to look nervous too. But she had a face of total calmness. And i was so glad. She asked me the question that got straight to the point "Cute and Disney channel or Elegant and Mature?" Referring to the two dresses we picked out for her to wear tonight. Cute and Disney channel could be described as a peach prom dress that included a giant bow on the back. Elegant and Mature on the other hand was a black cut out dress with a mint green skirt. I knew which one i'd prefer.

"Bare in mind, my mother wants the peach" She reminded me. Her eyebrows raised.

"But green suits your skin tone" I added

She shrugged her shoulders. "Sold" Kemzi left the room with such efficiency, I felt motivated to get ready myself. Just the morning before I had video chatted my mum, and we'd both decided what I'd wear.  The dress itself was simple, but I loved it. White, it included a collar that was covered in diamonds and pearls. I started to put it on, and i have to admit, I giggled. I actually giggled with excitement. I was about to do a little girl style twirl too, but Will came into the room, struggling with his bow tie. He looked up and his eyes widened just a little. "Scar, you look great!" This could have been one of those moments. You know? One where our eyes meet. And we realise we love each other. This... Was not that moment. I gave him a high five and went to find some shoes to wear.

I looked at my friends. I was happy. We looked good. We also looked slightly nervous. But good.

In the limo, Kemzi was speaking rapidly to her mother. Will was fiddling with his shirt sleeve. And I.. Well. I was taking it all in.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2013 ⏰

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