Part 4

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arriving at a diner I had never been to we got out, heading to the door I opened it and held it for her, whatever my flaws may be a lack of manners wasn't one of them, she smiled warmly at me as she entered the diner. we approached the spot where waitstaff would show you to your seat and a waiter immediately welcomed us and before I could say anything she immediately spoke, "table for two, somewhere quite if possible." the waiter nodded and gestured for us to follow. As we followed I realized a problem, this diner was more of a fancy restaurant than a diner, and there was no way I could afford a meal here, but it was to late, I couldn't back out now without being rude, I would just have to order a drink and eat later.  settling down in a booth we were handed menus and the waiter asked if we wanted any drinks and if we wanted to order right away. to my horror and confusion. she began to order "we'll have a couple cokes and we'll each take the chicken basket with extra fries and some cheese curds as a appetizer."   I stared in horror at the menu as I calculated the cost of such meal, and she ordered for me which seemed... odd. before i could protest the waiter was off to the kitchen. noticing me staring at the menu she explained "don't worry about the cost my treat, I hope I ordered okay, I should have asked about dietary concerns."   I wanted to protest but my bank account gave me no choice but to accept. "no I can eat that, its fine."  I was still puzzled by the fact that she ordered for me and that she was treating me to a expensive meal despite hardly knowing me, surely that meant romantic intentions, but usually the man would treat the lady not the other way around. looking up I asked "I'm sorry I never caught your name, you know I'm Gabe but.."  a look of surprise and embarrassment washed over her face "oh my gosh I'm so sorry, I got way ahead of my self, I didn't realize I never introduced myself, I'm Jessica, or jess if you prefer, I'm a junior studying pre med, I'm also a passionate reader" My eyes lit up at the last statement. "while you already know I'm Gabe, I'm a freshman studying general ed, and I am also a huge reader, hence I work at the library." Next thing I know we were discussing books until the food came.  The waiter quickly and efficiently delivered the food before disappearing. Taking a bite of the chicken I found that it lived up to its premium price tag, and the fries were delicious as well though certainly unhealthy to consume three times daily, and if that was good it didn't prepare me for after the entrée when we dug into the appetizer, I bit into one of the cheese curds and was hit with blissful waves, no tsunamis of flavor. I couldn't help but moan, which brought her to a fit of laughter, When she settled down I asked "your father is a neuro surgeon?" taken aback by the change in topic she responded "yes... why?" eyeing the dishes around us I asked "can he wipe my memories of this place so I don't make the majority of my diet" this evoked a second round of laughter it was a addictive sound that I was drawn to for some reason. The meal was gone and we were waiting for the waiter to return when a gal with a managers uniform came over "jess you didn't tell me you were coming, and you definitely didn't tell me you had a new boyfriend"  Jessica hurriedly responded "no no no, he's not, its not like that, and if you don't want me to come without warning you..."  the two of them were clearly friends as they carried on my heart was sinking, of course she didn't mean anything romantic by this, why would she, she was wealthy hot, and all that and I was me , I was doing it again I should never have gotten my hopes up. Soon she wrapped up her conversation and we headed to her vehicle I trailed along doing my best to suppress my glum mood.  Settling into the car, she glanced over at me as she started the vehicle, "penny for your thoughts?" there was no way i could explain why I was unhappy, I had no right to expect anything romantic, and I should have known better. "oh nothing just thinking about stuff."  She frowned but continued driving.  when we got back to the library I got out and headed to my car and she followed "so that was great, can i get your phone number and maybe get dinner with you sometime?" stunned I nearly tripped over myself. "but, I I thought you didn't want anything to do me romantically."   she whipped her head around "what why? why did you think that?"  my pulse started to race what was I missing. "you told your friend that it was nothing like that that we weren't romantic or anything, and I am not worthy of anything like that, how could someone like you even have interest in someone like me and.." Panic was setting in as my whirlwind of thoughts tried to figure out what was going on. two firm hands gripped my shoulders, and shook me slightly getting my attention.  she held me firmly not softly like she had previous times, and looked at me sternly "that is enough of that! you are not unworthy! that is a lie, and there's plenty of reasons I would be interested in you, reasons I'm still finding more of, and as for what I said to my friend I didn't mean that I was against anything romantic, I didn't want to make you uncomfortable by rushing things, and we haven't discussed what we both are interested in, so that being said would you like to get dinner sometime, we can explore doing something more romantic from there?"  I sat stunned for a moment panic long forgotten, she actually wanted to go on a date! I had better enjoy this as long as I can until I screw it up, this could be my only chance to experience romance.  "um sure, and.. sorry for making assumptions," i said pulling out my phone to give her my number.   Jessica shrugged "its okay, just don't be saying things like that about yourself"

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