Y/n's brother!!!! 🍮🍮

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Heya I'm back again listening to Alex G!

Hehehe might make another au update but ye.

Anyway here you go.

Y/n's brother is the type that may seem brave, but is not.

He was in karate, but quitted, he was a yellow belt.

Y/n stayed and ended up becoming a black belt.

They were also in gymnastics

He couldn't do anything lol

He has to find his sister since his parents kicked him out, or their parents. He does meet xemas ( I suck at names ) and young xehanort. He knocks out xemas and runs away.

O ye. I might make a story about this, but I'll decide.

I need a title idea for it tho. Y'all got any ideas?

Anyway description time!!!

Oh yeah. I need a nam idea for him. I don't wanna call him male y/n.

Y/n's brother
He dosnet like sweets
Is not brave alot of the times ( unless he forces himself to lol )
He sucks at pronunciation and spelling
He likes psychology
He likes tiny dinosaur plushies

Lol that's all

Also he REALLY likes dark chocolate lol

Also he REALLY likes dark chocolate lol

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