The Lee's statue

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"Welcome to Lee's Statue." said a man to the little girl who just come in.

The little girl walked around the stores, admiring every little doll but what caught her eyes the most was the girl human doll that was as big as a teenage school.

"Can I have that doll!" she asked, pointing at the doll that was displayed in the showcase glass mirror.

The man looks at where she pointed, he looks at the doll then he looks at the girl back.

"Sorry kid, that doll is not for sale," he said making the little girl pout.

"But whyy?" the kid whines, the man just ruffles her hair.

"Because that doll is.. only mine." the guy with the name tag 'Hee' said smiling at her.

Then the kid left because she couldn't get what she wanted. The guy with the name Hee walked to the doll and wiped the doll's name card with a cloth.

"Pretty," he muttered as he looked at the doll.


That was what was written on the doll's name card.

He takes a last look at the name before greeting the other customer but without the man noticing, a droplet tear fell from the corner of the doll's eyes and flowed down her cheeks.

And outside the statue shop, a middle-aged woman pasted a poster with a picture of a teenage girl that seemed like her daughter. She stopped her activities when she saw Heeseung who was cleaning the doll's face.

"Yumi is lucky to have a friend like him who is willing to make a doll similar to her face, with this I could ease down my longing for her little by little." muttered the woman.

"Heeseung!" she shouts when she makes eye contact with the man inside the store.

Heeseung raised his hand and waved his hand to his friend mother's.

"Yumi's mom!"

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