Not How It Seems

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        Kickins Pov:
  I was walking along with my skateboard in hand trying to forget all the hateful things Picky and Bobby said to me, when I saw the one I hated most, Bubba Bubbaphant, sitting on the bench next to my ramp, reading a book. I hate books, Bubba says it's because I don't know how to read them, but he's wrong! He's always wrong in my opinion. I tried to ignore him, but we ended up giving eachother nasty looks, but..when he looked back at his book something felt different inside of me. I felt like I liked him, but I don't, I dont know this feeling but I don't plan on telling a soul.

     Bubba Pov:

I was reading my favorite book by a ramp on my favorite bench, when Kickin walked up with his skateboard, without knee pads and elbow pads, plus with no helmet! He just loves being in dangerous situations, which makes he despise his reckless actions. But, why do I care so much for him and his safety? We gave eachother nasty looks, but when he looked away he looked...cute
..I feel a different feeling inside of me but I don't plan on speaking of it one bit.


  Kickin set down his skateboard and walked to his signature bench and relaxed, thinking about why he felt what he felt for Bubba.

"Why do I like seeing his face sometimes?" -Kickin thought.

"I'm supposed to hate him, him.." -Kickin thought again with more confusion, but spoke his head to forget about it.

  Kickin got up and walked to get his skateboard, when he saw Bobby and Picky vandalizing his board, covering it with hurtful words.

"Oh look who it is!" -Picky tease at the defenseless chicken.
"The waste of space!"

  "Ah, just forgot my bookmark" -Bubba said in his head, as he went to grab his bookmark from his house, which would make him not witness what was about to happen to Kickin.

  "What do you want" -Kickin said, trying not to sound nervous even though he was.

  "Oh nothing, just this" -Picky said as she lifted the skateboard off the ground and crashed it against her leg, breaking it into two infront of the heartbroken chicken.

Leaving it on the floor, Picky walked up to Kickin and pushes him to the floor and called him hurtful things, before walking away with Bobby while chuckling at the sight of Kickin crying and chirping.

"M-my board." -Kickin said with a shaky voice, crying and chirping in the process.

Kickin crawled over and lifted the two pieces of what used to be his perfect board, leaving it there as he stormed off into his chicken coop house crying uncontrollaby.

Bubba came back with his bookmark, and saw Kickins broken board on the floor, and with no sight of Kickin, Bubba felt confusion and worry, worry for the one he hated most, but never knew he cared about.

As Bubba reached his breaking point of worry, he placed his bookmark in his book, and ran to Kickins house and knocked on the door.

"Who ever is there, leave me alone!" -Kickin Shouted as the laid in his bed, trying to wipe away the tears that never stopped flowing from his eyes.

"Its just me idiot, let me in" -Bubba yelled with an annoyed, but worried tone of voice.

"Hell no! I not gonna let YOU in!" -Kickin yelled back still attempting to wipe away the non-stop flowing tears.

"Fine then" -Bubba called out as he reached his final breaking point.

Bubba went to the extra entrance on Kickins house. Entering it and walking up to were Kickins nest-like bed sat. And walked to Kickin, who was curled up in that very bed with tears streaming down his face like a running river.

  "Why the fuck are you in here!?" -Kickin Shouted as he look over his shoulder to find the elephant he hated, walked towards him.

"Well I'm sorry that I was trying to care for you" -Bubba said back crossing his arms. He was annoyed that Kickin wasn't listening at a moment like this.

Kickin ignored the elephant sitting infront of his bed, and sat up right giving him a annoyed look. When Bubba grabbed Kickins arm he flinched think he was going to be hit, until he was pulled into a hug. A tight squeeze, that made Kickin feel a form of comfort that he never felt before.

Kickin never thought the one he hated most, and hated him As well, would be the one hugging him, and letting him finally feel a form of peace he's never felt ever since he was Alive

  What is this feeling? - Kickin thought.
  Kickin hugged him back and felt relaxed with his head on bubbas shoulder, bawling his eyes out and the two laid on the bed, cuddling.

They were both confused on why they were doing what they were doing, but didn't Care. They didn't want to leave eachothers sides at that moment, but didn't understanding why.

(835 words)


☆My Only Love☆ |Enemies to Lovers (Bubba x Kickin)Where stories live. Discover now