Falling In Love?

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  As the two laid in the bed together, they felt less hate for one another, and more love for eachother instead.
   Bubba was slowly petting Kickins head feathers as he and Kickin relaxed. Kickin was so relaxed, that he unintentionally let out a relaxed chirp, quickly covering his mouth right after.

"What was that?" Bubba asked with a tease full tone of voice to mess with Kickin as he stopped petting his head feathers.

   "I-it was nothing!" Kickin replied almost immediately to defend his case, failing to do so as Bubba teased him more.

After Bubba finished teasing Kickin, he continued to pet Kickin head feathers  but this time, Kickin didn't Care that he let out more chirps since he was too comfortable to care. Kickin even snuggled his head into Bubbas surprisingly very fluffy chest and soon, falling asleep peacefully.

Bubba kissed Kickins forehead as he slept, making Kickin smile warmly, chirping even more, followed with his little tail wagging rapidly. Bubba found this adorable, and tries to forget about how he used to hate Kickins guts, and is now focusing on how much he now loves him.

...(In the morning)...

Kickin woke up to see Bubbas furry chest and got up quickly, waking Bubba up due to the sudden movement.

"What the fuck.." Kickin said loudly, not too loud, but loud.

"What are you on about?" Bubba said stretching his arms and rubbing his eyes.

"Why are you in my bed!?" Kickin jumped at the thought of what could've happened last night.

"You were crying, yada yada, and I conforted you since Hoppy didn't" Bubba explained as he got up and fixed his crooked glasses. 

"Oh...right.." Kickin replied getting up as well.

"I guess my job here is done huh?" Bubba said getting up and walking to the door about to twist the handle and leave since he had left his book on the bench.

"Wait!..don't leave.." Kickin began slowly, not wanted to stop snuggling the blue mammal yet.

"Alright fine, but I just need to grab my book since I left it on the bench went I went to help your sad ass" Bubba sighed as Kickin rolled his eyes and waited in his bed as Bubba opened the door and closed it behind him as he left.

A couple minutes before Bubba left, Kickin grew impatient until he heard a knock at the door. He shrung up and opened the door, just to see Bobby standing I front of him.

"What" Asked Kickin with nervous annoyance in his voice as Bobby stood there with her arms crossed and an menacing grin on her face.

"Remember this?" Bobby said as she held up the two pieces of what used to be Kickin favorite but only skateboard.

Kickin shivered as he held back tears remembering how he loved that skateboard, since he's had it ever since he was Alive...

"H-how could I forget after a bitch like y-you and Picky snapped it in two?" Kickin replied on the verge of tears clenching his fist, shivering.

"I don't know who you think your talking too, but it ain't me" Bobby snapped back and she dropped the two pieces of board.

"Who else would I be talking to?" Kickin responded blinking back a tear begging to stream down his face at that very moment.

Bobby was enraged wad lifted her hand, smacked Kickin hard on the face and lifted her other to hit him again until a hand caught iy before she could swing.

It was Bubbas, he caught her hand and moved her back away from Kickin and stood in the middle of the two.

"What the fuck do you think your doing?" He snapped at Bobby, who look stupid in his opinion at that moment.

Bobby growled not knowing why the one that hated Kickin most was defending him, and stomped away grumbling and mumbling with annoyance.

Kickin was holding his face as he finally allowed the tears he was holding back flow down his face like a river fall and Bubba turned and faced him holding his book, walking in Kickins house with him, and closing the door behind him.

Bubba placed his book down on the table by the door and lifted Kickin off his feet, on the bed and laid down holding and hugging the sobbing avian.

  He petted Kickins head feathers slowly to calm him down, which worked! As Kickin stopped bawling his eyes out and closes his eyes followed by calm chirps and a wagging tail, with a soft smile.

"Thank you Bubs" Kickin said before he calmed down and fell into a relaxed sleep, nuzzling his face into Bubbas chest.

Bubba smiled warmly as Kickin drifted off to sleep, which he also followed that action, sleeping as well while holding to chirping avian.

(808 words)

☆My Only Love☆ |Enemies to Lovers (Bubba x Kickin)Where stories live. Discover now