Chapter 4

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Uzi was bewildered to see the snobby and loyal drone, battered and rusty. She almost had to hold in her laughter. J shot her head around, eyes filled with hate as she laid her digital pupils on Uzi. "You." 

Uzi smirked. "Yes me, what do you want?"

J shifted her position so she could see Uzi better. "Why are you here?" Her voice was sheer cold. 

"Can I not go inside my own colony?" Uzi snapped back, about to turn away to continue her task of finding N.

"Wait!" J said, holding an arm out as if trying to reach her through the glass cage. "I can't believe I'm saying this to a worker drone, especially you, but please let me out. They run tests on me, use me as a dummy for their 'weapons.' It's torture!" 

Uzi paused, she had never seen J plead before, even when she held her at gun point. She turned towards J. "I'll let you out, but only if you help me find N and come back with us. I have a plan to stop these guys."

J nodded profusely. Uzi held up her hand, a huge purple sigil floating over the clear walls. The glass shattered and the sigil faded away. "Alright." Uzi continued walking down the path before stopping a few steps ahead and turning her head back to J, who was just walking out of the giant hole. "Oh, and if you try to attack N, V, or I. That won't be the only new thing to show you. A lot happened while you were gone." 

J swallowed back a gulp and continued to follow Uzi, who was shouting N's name through the halls.

"N! Where are you!" No answer. Uzi turned to J. "Fly around, see if you can spot him."

J frowned. "It's harder than that, toaster." J unfolded her wings, many of the metal spear-like feathers were gone and one of her wing's lights were completely off, while the other one was flickering. 

Uzi bit back a sharp insult. "Why do I have to do everything now." Uzi mumbled as she unfolded her fleshy wings.

Uzi ignored J's wide and surprised eyes and took off to the air, still shouting N's name. "N! Do you know where you are?"

A faint yell came from the back of the room. 

"N!" Uzi dove over towards the back of the room. She looked around the cages frantically, before laying her eyes on a disassembly drone, standing instead of being hunched over. "Oh, N!" Uzi folded her wings back in and ran over to the cage.

"Uzi!" N was grinning as he saw her running towards him. Uzi smiled, pressing her hands against the cage. "Don't worry N, I'll get you out of he-" She was cut off as she fell to the ground, sparks flickering through her every few seconds. 

N's grin turned into a distraught and horrified expression. His mouth gaping open for a few moments. "No, Uzi!!!" 

J looked at Uzi, then looking up, she saw three worker drones, weapons in hand. J growled, turning her hand into a gun and aiming it towards the worker drones. "Eat lead suckers!" Gunshots rang about as N continued to stare at Uzi.

"Wake up, please!" He begged, trying to break the glass as he pounded. J continued to attack the workers, swapping her gun for a missile launcher, she blasted the drones. That'll give them enough time to escape.

J ran to where Uzi lay and picked her up. "Come on, we have to go." Uzi's voice glitched, but J could pick up the words: "What about N?" 

J shot back an angry retort. "We don't have time!"

Uzi groaned in pain, her voice glitching. "N-N-N.... Forgiv-iv me-me-me...." She contorted her fingers, aiming for the glass of N's cage. 

"Uzi! No, no, no! The solver!" N could see her eyes glitching yellow. Uzi smiled. "Leav-av m-e, N..." The glass shattered into millions of pieces and Uzi's visor went black. "NO!" N screamed.

J ran towards N. "There's more coming. We must go, now!" N continued to stare at Uzi's limp body. "We can't just leave her!"

J growled. "Yes, we can." She unfolded her wings, now in great condition and grabbed N, bursting through the roof of the bunker.

Uzi's eyes flashed back on. One yellow, one purple, both still glitching between the colors.

I'm sorry N. 

Sorry if this is lazier than I usually make them. I made this at 9:40 PM bc I couldn't sleep :( 

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