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A large castle sat right in the middle of a nation, L'mangberg. Five royalties had owned it: Philza and Kristen, the king and queen of L'mangberg, their oldest child William, their middle child Alexander, and their youngest Thomas.

William had denied the crown, refusing to take authority for it. He would rather stay a prince than move to a higher level of responsibility, however Alexander would be next to take the crown. Ready for the responsibility once he turns 21, the age to take the crown. He was only 5 years away until he was going be moved to higher level, he studied hard with hardly any sleep.

Another note, Alexander was partly aroace, along with straight. He wasn't much interested in a relationship; his parents had respected that dearly. But it felt like his parents had told him that it was wrong to feel that way once Philza had called him up to his office.

"We have to arrange a marriage with the prince of Kinoko Kingdom and you." Philza stated, a glimpse of guilt in his face. "Excuse me?" Alexander hissed. Philza nodded, "we've been in war with them for centuries. This is our only way to stop it." Pain strung in Alexander's face. "No, I refuse. I'm not going to marry Clay." "There isnt a chose here." Kristen joined in.

"Well, I could care less, I am not marrying a man." He refused. His parents shook their heads before speaking up, "we're sorry. This isn't exactly our choice either, Alex."

Alex scoffed, he had anger he tried to not let burst out onto his parents. To stop him from lashing out, he walked off upstairs & into his own bedroom. He then laid onto his largely oversized bed, staring up at the aroace flag on the ceiling. He knew his parents supported him since they were the ones to buy the flag. But it just hurt him for some reason. He felt like they didn't support him - even if this wasn't their choice either.

His mind drifted off into wonder, trying to find a way to distract himself from his worries of being forced into a marriage. Thinking of ways to avoid it until there were three knocks at the door. The man lifted himself upright to look at the door.

"Come in." Alexander said before the door swung open, revealing his mother standing there in her black silk dress. He sighed before plopping himself back down onto his back. "We want to apologize." She started, walking over to the bed. Her heels clicked onto the hard wooden floor; Alex listened while keeping his eyes shut.

"Why can't he marry someone else?" They hybrid asked. "Because your younger brother is nine, William is 23." Kristen answered. "And his sister is 13." Alex groaned, rubbing his hands over his face. "Don't give me that attitude, young man." Kristen said, standing back up. "And who knows, you might even like him." "I know! I know I won't like him!" Alex shouted back, sitting up in a jolt.

Kristen softly exhaled, trying to compose her anger. She backed away from the bed and towards the door. "Just give him a chance, Clay would understand why you wouldn't want to do anything with him but it's for your father. And this nation." She spoke. Alex tensed up, looking at his mother who was standing at the door frame. She closed it behind her after exiting the room.

The hybrid laid back down again. "Also be down here in 2 hours, they're coming to visit!" He heard his mother shout. Panic shot through him as he heard his mother yell. 'Fuck.' He thought as he laid back down once again.

Alex looked in the mirror, fiddling with a rubber band as he tied his hair back. Wearing a white shirt tucked into black pants, he reached for a gray jacket. He pinned the sweater to the shirt so it would stay on his shoulders. He fastened a red belt around his waist, which matched with his loose red tie.

He grabbed a dark gray jacket, putting a safety pin through the sweater & through the shirt to keep it in place on his shoulders. He messed with his spectrum ring on his nose and his earrings until they looked right.

To top everything off Alexander had black platforms that kept his height a little taller than usual, as he was originally 8 feet tall, but with the platforms on he was 2 inches taller. After he tied the shoelaces together, he wrapped some bandage around his arm after rolling up the sleeves to his elbows.

He huffed one last time as he looked at himself in the mirror before turning around and exiting the large closet. He walked through empty halls & empty staircases before reaching the thrown hall, sitting down in his thrown next to his father who was also sitting, each waiting for the guests.

"Thank you, mate." Philza said to his son, smiling softly. "For?" Alex asked, looking up. "For coming along & putting effort into meeting the guests." Alex huffed. "It's not like I had a choice," he mumbled under his breath. "I know mate. But you tried and that's all that matters."

The words hit Alexander like a bus, but he tried to brush it off with rolling his eyes. He looked at his father, seeing how he was dressed in a green shirt that had a black belt over it & black ripped jeans. The colors brought out Philza's green eyes & blonde hair, it also brought out his large black wings & white skin.

Maybe this would be worth it.


Ello, author here.

Wow, this isn't as much as I wanted it to be. 973 words but that's okay. Here are the color palettes btw!!

 Here are the color palettes btw!!

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It sucks sm but its okay lmao!

Alr, bye bye!!!

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