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"Babe, I'm pregnant...."  Nothing but silence that jimin had received from his husband, which made him immediately look up at him to see Jungkook reaction.

"Are you okay?" Jimin asked while slowly moving his arms so that he could wrap it around his husband neck in order to give him so time of comfort.

"Yeah, I'm okay," Jungkook said after taking a deep breath and slowly looking down at his husband.

"I didn't think you were going to be pregnant, honestly," Jung said back, which made jimin chuckle a little bit.

"Why wouldn't I be pregnant? It's not like we haven't been trying for 3 weeks now" Jimin let go of his husband and quickly pull his phone out and took a picture of the test, so he can post the good news.

Jungkook immediately took his phone away and deleted the picture, which was odd to jimin. Did Jungkook not wanna share the good news?

"Don't post about us expecting just yet, I want to wait and at least process  everything before we tell the whole world." Jungkook quickly replied since he saw his husband face that was glaring at him with annoyance.

To be fair, both Jimin and Jungkook have a pretty nice following on all their socials. They've been a known couple ever since childhood.

"Okay, I won't, but I want to at least tell our parents, family, friends and Vanessa, oh!" Jimin rabble on and on until Jungkook basically shh him with a kiss.

" We can tell our parents, but let wait to tell Vanessa and any other people." Jungkook said to his now pouty husband who glazed at him with love while slowly nodding his head as acceptance. 

"Why not our daughter! She is a part of the family, too, Jungkook." He said back while crossing his arms and staring back at him.  

"This is how I want to handle things Jimin, please just respect my wishes." Jungkook said while slowly letting his husband out of his arms.

Jimin didn't say anything and silently just watched his husband walk out of the bathroom and go back to the living room.  *Does Jungkook not want this baby?* he thinks to himself while staring off into space.

Time skip

Jimin and Jungkook haven't really spoken to each other throughout the day since they found out the news about the pregnancy. Of course, they had their little moments with Vanessa when it came to playing with her and giving her attention.

The atmosphere arpund them is weird, and Jimin doesn't know how to process and handle. They kind of planned this pregnancy, so what could be the reason behind this husband reaction?

As Jimin did the dishes as Jungkook played with their daughter in her bedroom, Jungkook phone started to ring in the living room.

*Jungkook must have left this while watching the cooking show with Vanessa earlier.* Jimin thought to himself as he went over to pick up the phone.

While making his way over to their couch while wiping his wet hands off, he goes and picks up the phone to answer the call.  *Surely Jungkook wouldn't mind, right?*  Jimin thought while answering the phone.

"Hello?" Jimin said as he waited for the person on the other line to respond back.  "This is Sergeant Jackson, and I'm calling to inform you that your plane ticket is ready for you to leave Friday."

"What?!" Jimin yelled out loud that into the phone, which made him quickly apologize to his husband Sergeant.

"Isn't this Jungkook?" His Segrant asks with curiosity and confusion in his voice. "Um.. no, this is his husband speaking." Jimin replied back while pulling his own phone out his pocket to look at the date.

"While Sir, your husband requested for him to get him a ticket for the earliest date, so Friday it is!" The Sergeant 

"Thank you for letting me know, Sir." Jimin said softly while staring at the date on his phone, which says Wednesday. 

Jimin hangs up Jungkook phone while slumming down onto the couch.

*He has two days left with Jungkook?* he thought to himself while using his hand to rub his face. 

Well, it's been a while since I updated, and hopefully, you guys are still here to read my book. lol
Fun fact... I just had this chapter sitting here ready to be published.
Here we are, though, and I hope everyone is having a good year so far!
It's kind of a short chapter, but hopefully, the next one will be longer.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2024 ⏰

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