Chapter 223

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Chapter 223: Sowing Discord

Yu Jing's eyes widened in disbelief. What Lisa said just now was like a heavy bomb. She was still stunned.

Married? When did Lisa get married? And it was with that wild lass from the countryside? How could Grandpa Manoban agree to this marriage?

Yu Jing sat on the sofa, her heart filled with panic and anger. More than that, she was in disbelief. She didn't understand. Other than her looks, which part of that woman was better than her? Could it be that Lisa had been drugged by her? He actually scolded her for that woman! She had known Lisa for more than twenty years. Who was that Jennie who suddenly appeared?!

What right did she have!

Yu Jing felt very uncomfortable, but she was more indignant and angry. She shook her head and forced herself to calm down and analyze the matter seriously.

If what Lisa said was true, then could it be that the "Heart of Prayer" was bought for Jennie? But how was that possible? When she saw Jennie that day, she didn't even wear that ring. A woman from the countryside like Jennie who hadn't seen much of the world must be very vain. If Lisa really gave her such a precious and luxurious ring, she would definitely wear it.

Moreover, Lisa was not a man who would be tempted so easily. She had known him for more than twenty years and had pursued him for many years, but Lisa was still very cold to her. Lisa was definitely not a man who would be bewitched by a woman's beauty.

Yu Jing guessed that what Lisa said might not be true. He must have said this because Jennie had found trouble with him tonight and he had no choice.

It seemed like Lisa didn't completely treat Jennie as a plaything. He might really like this woman a little, but it was impossible for him to get married!

Yu Jing immediately called her subordinates to investigate Jennie in detail. A few hours later, she looked at the information sent by her subordinates. As expected, Jennie had always been single in school. No one knew that she had a boyfriend.

So it was an underground relationship. Yu Jing heaved a sigh of relief and a smile appeared on her lips. It seemed that Lisa had never publicly announced his relationship with Jennie. This meant that Lisa did not take Jennie to heart, nor did he intend to develop a long-term relationship with her.

While Yu Jing felt gratified, she felt uncomfortable when she thought of Lisa's attitude towards her today.

Lisa was definitely still angry at her. As the saying went, the deeper one's love was, the more one would hate. The fact that he hated her so much meant that he had been hurt by her actions back then. It also meant that he had always had her in his heart.


However, Jennie had appeared at this time and wanted to replace her position in Lisa's heart just because she was a little similar to her. Now, it seemed that she was about to succeed!

Yu Jing was extremely anxious. She could not let another woman take her place. Lisa was hers, and that woman had stolen Lisa's love for her!

A hint of ferocity and ferocity appeared in Yu Jing's eyes. She immediately called the female assistant. "Find that Xia He for me. I want to see her tomorrow."

The information showed that Xia He and Jennie were very good friends in school. Moreover, Jennie had stood up for Xia He at the auction last time, which meant that Jennie cared a lot about this friend.

Lisa had just threatened her not to attack Jennie. Yu Jing was not stupid. She knew that Lisa might still like Jennie a little now. She could not continue to challenge Lisa's bottom line at this time. That would only make Lisa hate her more and more.

However, if she didn't make a move, she could get others to help her, right? As long as she found Xia He and used money to tempt her, then let her sow discord by Jennie's side, saying that Lisa already had a fiancée and was just playing with Jennie's feelings, it was impossible for him to really marry her...

At that time, Jennie would definitely be sad and angry. This kind of country bumpkin from the countryside had not seen much of the world, nor did she have any scheming methods. If she was unwilling to break up with Lisa, she would definitely continue to look for Lisa to cry. Lisa would not bother her if it happened once or twice. If it happened too many times, Lisa would definitely not even want to look at her.

Yu Jing believed that Lisa didn't have much feelings for Jennie to begin with. While Lisa was annoyed with Jennie, if she performed well in front of Lisa, she would definitely be able to call back Lisa's love for her.

A confident smile appeared on the corners of Yu Jing's mouth. She looked at the mirror. The woman in the mirror had a charming appearance, and her every move was noble and elegant. Compared to her, Jennie was simply like a pheasant to her phoenix, completely suppressed by her.

She would definitely take back Lisa's love. Jennie, that substitute, wanted to replace her? Dream on!

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