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They could hear the screams of Elizabeth in labour which went on for nearly 4 hours now, but there was still no sign of the baby. Ciel waited anxiously outside the door for the child to be born, but so far, there was nothing. Everyone just waited for the good news to arrive, but there wasn't a thing so far.


Claude Faustus made his way to Volgaron. He was going to see him so that he could tell him something important. He made it to the valley of black and white roses where Volgaron was. His black cloak opened as he let out his hand with his sharp claws. His black and grey armour was topped off with dress boots. Claude walked closer as he could see his black moustache and red eyes just like his sons.

“Welcome...” he said with a deep, rough voice.

“I have come here with important news.” Claude said as he listened with his long, pointed ears.

“Tell me.” He said to Claude. 

“Your son... His master's wife is in labour with his child.” Claude said as Volgaron was already aware that she was pregnant with Sebastian's child.

“So, the mere human is in labour. Maybe the Gods should know about this.” Volgaron said as his back was turned to Claude and his hands were inside his cloak by now.

“What do you suggest?” Claude asked as he watched him walk to the cliff.

“We shall tell them about this and offer them the child as a treat and in return, you can get whatever you want to wish for.” He said as Claude already knew what he wanted.

It was his hearts greatest desire.

“All I want is the Supreme Goddess's hand in marriage.” He said casually to Volgaron.

“I want to become the advicer. The right hand man of the queen... or king.” Volgaron said as he always waited for the opportunity to become the advicer or right hand man of the Goddess.

“Then, you can get that and I will get what I want.” Claude told him as Volgaron smiled and they jumped down the cliff....


Ciel waited outside the bedroom door anxiously. Sebastian was afraid that his master might find out that the child isn't his, but actually his butler's. Elizabeth screamed louder and louder. Ciel thought that it might be over soon, but actually, it wasn't....

“I can't afford my master to find out that this is my child and not his. My contract will be ruined if he finds out. What do I do? How do I prevent him from finding out this truth?” Sebastian thought as he only heard Elizabeth screaming more and more out of pain.

It must of been because the child will be born a demon.


Claude and Volgaron entered the castle. They immediately went to the throne room. The whole place was red. The throne room was huge and there was statues of demons on either side of the doors. There were lit up candles on the walls, bringing light into the dark room ahead. Straight ahead of them were thrones. There were seven thrones, but the supreme goddess's was in the middle as the rest descended downward. Above each throne, had the statue of an animal thy most represented them.

Around the second throne, the one right of the goddess's was surrounded by a whole lot of naked, female demons. They walked towards the throne as they fell befores the gods thrones.

“Dear God's, I come to you all with important information.” Claude started as they all looked at him.

Ekvia {Asha}, the supreme goddess, only looked at him.

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