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She didn't sleep that night. She couldn't; she just laid there and cried, her heart broken at how he'd reacted and that he hadn't accepted it. She was still bonded to him, and would be until he ended it.

She'd pissed him off. She hadn't thought that would happen. She'd thought he'd be happy to have been given an out. Instead he'd been angry enough to kick her out of his room. She didn't get it.

But being around him, seeing him, it had been difficult for her. She hadn't laid eyes on him in five years, and while she knew he was beautiful, she'd forgotten how beautiful. She'd never seen him shirtless before. She'd craved him right then.

Standing there, waiting for him to accept her rejection had been so difficult. All she'd wanted to do was throw herself at him and beg him to accept her. But she'd never do that. At least he hadn't touched her skin. She hadn't felt those tingles, and she was glad for that. She didn't need to feel them.

Are you going to breakfast?

Her father's voice in her head startled her, and pulled her from her runaway thoughts. No. She was most definitely not hungry this morning. She was too upset.

Gabby. You cannot hide up here.

I confronted him.

Can I come in?


Caleb opened the door and walked into her room. He walked over to her bed and sat down on the floor, leaning back against it. "Talk to me."

"He came to Daniel's office while I was meeting with him," Gabby started.

Caleb glanced at her. "This happened in front of your brother?"

"No. I left immediately. I didn't even look at him, and I left the pack house. That's when I began to realize I had to end it. Being near him was just.." She started crying.

Caleb looked up as Charlotte walked in. She laid down on the other side of the bed and took Gabby's hand in her own.

"So you confronted him?" Caleb asked.

"Yes. I went to his room last night," she said softly.


"He didn't accept."

Caleb was quiet for a moment. "How did this go, Gabby?"

"I met his gaze and then rejected him," she said.

"And he didn't accept."


"What did he say?"

"I'm pretty sure he was pissed off."

"Why do you think that?"

"He um.. he said I assume too much and that I just showed up at his door demanding I accept his rejection and that it hurt. Then he told me to get out and he slammed the door," she muttered in a low voice.

"I have a question," Charlotte suddenly spoke up.

"What's that?" Caleb asked.

"Who are we talking about?" Charlotte asked.

"Dominic," Caleb replied.

"What?" Charlotte gasped.

"How long have you known?" Gabby asked.

"It kinda wasn't hard to figure out. He's hardly ever here, so he wouldn't be too difficult for her to avoid for the last five years. And I'm not sure how the mate bond would work with him, and I doubt he would even know that. But let's say he's like a human. He's going to feel it. He probably was trying to figure out what was happening, and then she rejected him, which was probably when it fully clicked in his mind," Caleb said. "I can't say I'm surprised he didn't accept your rejection, Gabby."

The Princess's Unwanted Mate (Book 8 of the Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now