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The mating ceremony was absolutely beautiful, and well done. The couple stood underneath the brown gazebo together, smiling up at each other. The gazebo was covered in Wisteria and decorated with fairy lights.

There were fairy lights strung in the trees surrounding the clearing, and the Denali Pack was gathered to watch the auspicious occasion. The Beta's sister was now happily mated. And the after party could now commence.

Gabrielle Remington joined the well wishers who were surrounding the mated pair, waiting patiently for her chance to congratulate her friend. Her gaze flicked to the new Alpha. He'd taken over the position four months ago and was still unmated.

Alpha Axel was very good looking with his brown hair and green eyes. She'd felt his gaze on her more than once every time she visited her friend. He was kind to her, and always respectful.

"Gabby, thank you so much for coming," Tanya said, hugging her friend tightly.

"I wouldn't have missed it for anything," Gabby smiled, hugging her back.

She moved away from the couple, letting others greet them, as she followed the crowd over to the clearing where the party would begin.

Coming to a mating ceremony really hadn't been something she'd wanted to do, given her own situation, but it had been better than going home. Though tomorrow, she wouldn't have a choice. She'd have to return there.

"Princess, how are you this fine evening?"

She turned to see Alpha Axel standing not too far from her and she smiled at him as he bowed his head to her. "I'm fine, Alpha. How are you?"

"Better now," he said, approaching her.

Her gaze swept over him, taking in his muscled arms and chest. He was a fine looking man, but she had no interest. "Thank you for allowing me to attend."

"Like I could say no to you," he said as he stepped up behind her in the line for the food.

She moved along the line, aware of his eyes on her, and grabbed a plate. He didn't make her uncomfortable though.

"So are you finished with school now?" He asked, much closer than she'd realized, as he grabbed a plate as well.

"I am." She glanced back at him. "I'm going home tomorrow."

"Still not mated," he said softly.

Her heart clenched at his words. "No." She finished making her plate, then turned and looked for a place to sit.

"Come sit with me," he invited.

Gabby looked at him and nodded. He was interested, she realized, though she wasn't sure if it was in her or her title. She followed him over to a table and sat down across from him.

"Are you expecting to mate an Alpha?" Axel asked her, looking her over.

No I expected to mate a human. "Whoever. I'm in no rush," she said.

"I'd think you'd want to find your mate soon. I'm thinking of taking a chosen mate myself," Axle admitted, looking down at his plate.

"Why?" She was curious on that. She couldn't understand why anyone would want to take a chosen mate, but she knew her own nephew almost had. But it hadn't worked out, and he was now with his fated.

"Im twenty-five and I need a Luna and an heir or two. I don't want to wait much longer," he said.

"Have you chosen the lucky woman?" The moment it was out of her mouth, she wished she could take it back.

The Princess's Unwanted Mate (Book 8 of the Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now