Chapter 9 Truths Untold

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It took Sal a full hour to get dressed, Lucifer kept pointing out all his fashion hazards and inappropriate colour combinations, what was wrong with a simple t-shirt and jeans.

At the end of the day Lucifer had chosen a white shirt, black ripped jeans and sneakers with a black leather jacket for Sal.

"I feel like a biker" said Sal.

Lucifer smiled and stood from Sal's bed, no creases or wrinkles left behind to indicate anyone had sat there.

"You look splendid, now let's go" he said.

"Where are we going?" asked Sal.

"You will know soon enough" said Lucifer.

Sal didn't like that reply, for all he knew Lucifer was taking him to his hell to suffer for eternity.

"Salome, just trust me" said Lucifer.

He stretched out his hand, and after much hesitation Sal took it, shivering as he did.

Lucifer smiled and then he stretched his wings, the large white wonders filled the room with light and then they fell down on Sal, engulfing him and blinding him with darkness.


Bloom was getting very tired of watching Casmir and Katarina argue, it had been going on for hours now, the yelling, the constant bickering.

Bloom suddenly missed her parents, but then changed her mind, anything was better than home, home meant responsibility, home meant captivity.

But still, did they have to argue so loudly.

"I can't believe you burnt the note!" exclaimed Katarina.

"Of course I burnt it" said Casmir.

"Could you at least tell me why?" said Katarina.

"Cause we didn't need it" said Casmir, like it was obvious.

"We could have used it to find him" said Katarina.

"And what makes you think he wants to be found" said Casmir.

"This hunt was important to him, he wouldn't just abandon it"

"Yeah but you made him to", blurted Casmir, "you just had to put your insecurities out there, you just had to push him away"

Oh dear, thought Bloom.

"I didn't trust him" defended Katarina.

"And you couldn't keep that information to yourself?, you don't trust anyone, not Sal, not me, not anyone" said Casmir, his voice brimming with different emotions, emotions that Bloom understood perfectly but hoped she'd never relate to, raw emotions never did anyone good.

"Is this what you do to everyone around you?, your roommates, me, Sal, you drive them away and then you search for forgiveness" continued Casmir.

"You don't know what I've been through" said Katarina, though her voice had reduced several decibels.

"How could I?, you're the one who avoided me after becoming this big shot vampire hunter, and then the one time you reach out you abandon me once again, it's just this constant back and forth with you Kat, you bring people in and you leave them to rot, you get their assurance and never give yours, you take them in and then you give them up just like that"

"It's not that simple, Cas"

"It never is, is it Kat?"

Katarina was about to reply when Melchior came barreling down the stairs wearing his armour backwards.

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