Chapter 14 The Sambisa

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Melchior swung the wooden practice sword hard, each strike as fluid as if he was water. He'd tried sleeping but it seemed Hypnos, the greek god of sleep had refused him any rest, instead he kept remebering Casmir in his last moments.

Tell Sal that I care for him, that I have fallen and will continue to fall, can you do that for me?

Melchior had agreed, but he felt he should have declined, he should have been honest instead of swearing that he could. But how could he have said no?, how could he have denied Casmir the one thing he requested, the one thing he desired most.

"Coward" muttered Melchior.

He stabbed the practice sword forward, the air hissed with energy.


He slashed the sword downward, his veins were suddenly sizzling from an unknown pressure.

"How could you?"

His brain buzzed, his hands simmered with heat.

"How could you!" he screamed and as he did lances of green electricity shot from his body, arching its way across the mat and charring it, the smell of burning plasic filling the room. The air crackled as his magic responded to his emotions and he fell to his knees and screamed in anger and frustration.

"Melchior!" Bloom yelled from the doorway of the training room.

Melchior didn't turn, he stayed on the floor, and seconds later when Bloom knelt behind him and her hands encircled his body he wept while clutching her, unable to keep his thoughts from leaking through his lips.

"I failed him, I failed him, I failed him"


Sal woke up groaning from a dark and dreamless sleep, his body felt stiff with exhaustion, his hands and legs protesting as he commanded them to move, he lay on his bed for a second, contemplating whether to get up or not, then he remebered that not getting up was no longer an option, there was so much he needed to do.

He sighed and turned, the mattress on the floor was empty, the sheets he'd given Antony the night before were folded neatly at the foot of the mattress, he still couldn't believe that his demigod half brother was living in his apartment with him and his best friend, a few days ago the only family he had was Lester and he'd only feared losing him to Boulder, now he had a brother and an array of supernatural friends, all of which he was now scared of losing too.

He shook his head vigorously to settle his thoughts, he had a hunt to complete, today they would find the last person on the list, today he would have all he needed, and then he would decide what to do from there.

He smoothed his hair back and stood from his bed, being careful not to topple back from sheer exhaustion.

After he took a shower and wore his tunic, wand and pendant included, he marched out of his bedroom door and walked down the stairs.

As he descended he heard laughter floating from the kitchen and smelt the fresh scent of newly baked bread.

On reaching the kitchen he was met with a very disturbing sight of Antony and Lester both wearing matching white aprons, both their long hairs bound up in buns, dancing and belting out Alessia Cara songs as though they were holding their own private concerts. On the kitchen counter was a steaming loaf of bread, three cups of coffee placed side by side, and a jar of peanut butter and strawberry jam open with butter knives sticking out of them.

Sal resisted the urge to laugh, then Lester looked at him and belted a pitchy; "Morning Sal", so he had no choice but to at least smile.

"Good morning Lester" Sal answered.

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