Chapter 1: A new start

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    I spin around my room grabbing a few necessities, shoving them into my bag. My brother enters the room light from the moon flooding in.

     "You can't leave" his black hair is disheveled and his icy blue eyes pier into mine. He looks like a wreck and it's all my fault.
   "I can't do this anymore Zane, I have to leave it's the only way." His eyes travel to the Wooden door it's like I can see exactly what he is thinking "by the time you go tell father I will be gone."
    " I can't loose you too. I have already lost Ambrose and Maxwell I can't loose my twin." His eyes pled with mine.
   "Your not losing me Zane" this choice will be hard for both of us I know Zane depends on me as his built in best friend but I can't stay here in this castle a moment longer.
   "If you leave then I am" I continue to pack my bag before throwing it over my shoulder.
    "I can't take it Zane. Between you and dad and the damn pressure"
   "So your blaming me now"
"No I'm not blaming you. I can't take over for Ambrose, he died and suddenly it's all on me" I sigh rubbing my hand over my chest feeling the tingling feeling there "why won't you take over it has always been your dream to rule plus your the older twin"
"It's not my choice, dad wants you to be queen. I will be by your side through all of it"
"I said no Zane" I pull on my most comfortable shoes before looking at his sad eyes "I'm leaving end of discussion...please now can we just have a proper goodbye" I open my arms to allow for a hug.
"Get out"
"Leave, you are no sister of mine, your leaving like the rest of them so farewell" he's hurt, Zane has always been rough around the edges but something in his tone hits like venom. Another brother is lost but maybe Zane has been gone longer than I thought.
There is no budging Zane he has always been that way. So I leave I clutch my bag not letting the aching pain in my heart get to me. My decent down the hallway was a swift one trying to get past the guards undetected.

   The stone clicks against my feet as I make my way through the kitchen door. I crouch down rummage around our cabinets. The swinging door opens and shuts with a little this immediately I rise from my position and turn back to see who entered.
My body froze as I saw my mother standing in front of me holding a torch brightly in front of her face. Her haunting beauty made my heart race I couldn't read what was behind those blue eyes. Her dark black hair framed her face just like mine. People had always said I was a spitting image of her. A smile spreads across my mother's face and her eyes well with tears.
"Be safe on your journey my dear" her voice was low and hushed. Her smile warms my heart I had so many conflicting thoughts about this but with my mother's supporting eyes I know I am making the right choice. "Take this".
   She extends her hand and a ring lays flat in her hand. Our family crest lays flat on top of the ring.
   "Your always a Romeve never forget that." My mother kisses my cheek tenderly.
   "Thank you" I pull her in hugging her tightly.
  "Now go before your father gets word" she pushes me towards the exits.

   I take off running to the stables and getting on my horse thanking the lucky stars my father made me take lessons since I was a kid. For days I road if I don't keep moving there is a chance my father could find me. I knew he was on the search for me, there was no doubt in my mind Zane told him as soon as I left my room.
   The summer beats down on me as I ride to the next small village. I park my horse at a stand, making sure he is tied. I have riding for days staying in caves or brush just trying to stay undercover, I am far enough away from home were people may know the name Romeve however they won't know my face which is perfect. I keep my cloak on just in case my stomach growls it's been four days without food and water, I am already starving.
The cute little shops like each side the market is hustling people bustling around. I am in search for...ah there it is. I make my way past a stand snatching the small item off of it. Just then from across the market area I a man dresses in guard gear lock eyes with me. I gulp he starts making his way towards me. I panic I rush in the opposite direction running back to my horse. Before I reach it a hand wraps around my arm twisting me around to face them. I see the guard glaring at me even behind the outfit I can see his bright green eyes.
   "Who are you" his voice is harsh and rough and his grip is so tight I'm sure it will leave a bruise.
    "Un hand me" I glare at him.
     "What so you can run away? Good luck with that. Stealing is a crime you know that right these people work hard for there food"
    "Here you want the stupid dagger take it" I shove it forward he gives me a pointed look. Worry sets in my heart that he might recognize me.
   "Why are you so panicked" he takes the dagger back shoving it in his belt.
    "Because some man won't let go of me, what position of guard are you anyway" a red blush coats his cheeks.
    " am not actually a guard of this village" I rip my arm from his grip with a scowl on my face.
  "Then you sir should mind your own business.
   "It's still my business, my sister  is the lord of this village so it may not be my guardly duty to defend this place it is my family duty to" As the village people fizzle out one woman starts to approach us. At first I think it could be his sister she is dressed in a beautiful pastel green dress but there is no way it's his sister at least not by blood, she has dark brown hair and dark eyes contrasts to his dirty blonde hair and bright green eyes.

    "What is going on Lawrence?" The lady questions letting her braid fall behind her shoulder.
   "This girl right stole from a shop" his lips are in a thin like and I can't help but feel a little embarrassed it's not like me to steal but I have eaten or drinking in days I feel like I'm dying.
"What did she steal?" Her eyes roam my body, from my wild wavy hair, to my hallowed eyes and cheeks, to my trembling hands no doubt from my hunger. The heat of the summer making me feel a little sick.
"This dagger" he points down to his belt and the woman nods taking a step father staring into my eyes.
"Is this all you have" her voice is so soft I barely hear it.
"I'm just passing through" I point to my horse a few feet away.
"Lawrence go gather the carriage and tell every we are leaving."
"Are you sure I mean she could be-"
"Lawrence please we all know I can handle myself"
"Fine" even though he agrees he still says it with a grunt. After he leaves her brown eyes find mine.
"How long have you been on the run" her question is so blunt. How did she know...
"I'm not on the run-"
"Yes you are I have seen it before, come to my village I can help you with all those knicks they won't heal themselves"
"I am ok I don't want to be a burden-"
"You aren't a burden I want to help you" her voice is pleading. The guard Lawrence steps into view once again yet this time he isn't scowling at me he has a bright smile on his face.

"Everyone is ready to go Alice" he hold one hand on his sword the way he smiles at her with such admiration warms me.
"Thank you Lawrence" she elegantly nods before turning back to me "are you sure you don't want to come we have plenty of room"
"I'm good thank you" I start to walk away walking over to my horse.
"Need any help with your horse miss?" He smiles walking a little bit behind me. Sweat dripping from my forehead.
"No thanks I got it" she puts one foot on the saddle but quickly the world went black.

    One moment I was making sure she got on the horse safe the next thing I know this girl is in my arms completely passes out. Alice runs to my side.
    "Oh she ok she didn't hit her head did she?" I crouch down letting the girls body dip on the ground so we can check her over properly.
    "I caught her off the horse she didn't hit anything, it is hot outside she probably had a heat stroke" I put my hand over her forehead and it is definitely hot.
    "We need to get her back to the village she is incredibly malnourished and clearly not doing well" Alice stands wiping her hands on her dress "can you carry her or do you need help?"
   I stand picking the girl up with ease "no she is light I got it" I lift her walking her to out carriage before we take off to Hayden's gate or as we all call it home.

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