Chapter 13: one more

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Two days have passed I have yet had a conversation with Lawrence. To be honest, I've been sitting in my room waiting for the sinking feeling and my gut to go away. The motivation to get out of bed has been at all time low. As Hayden gets shifts from being cool and wintery the summer rain has begun to set in.
The one thing I miss about living in a castle is on days like these I don't have to spend my time staring at the ceiling. Everything I needed was right there. Well, I guess everything except free will.
I make my way out of bed and upstairs as I make my way out of the basement door I see Lawrence cutting something in the kitchen. I gave him a small, awkward smile before grabbing a bowl of leftover soup from the fridge. I turn on one of the oven next to him. Letting it warm my hands as chill of the rain runs through the house.
  " so are we just not gonna talk to each other?" he looks at me questioningly.
  " I don't know what you're talking about"
  " come you haven't left your room besides to use the restroom or eat something. Clearly you're avoiding me."
  " I'm not avoiding you" maybe I'm avoiding him a little. But what am I supposed to do last time we were alone together for a long he kissed me and then just a few hours later talked about some girl he was head over heels for. I was trying to be jealous he wasn't  with me in any way but a part of me still felt a ting of hurt.
  "I just want to talk about-" before he could say another word, the front door opens and the stuttering rain gets louder.
" helloOoo" a loud theatrical voice rings through our home. A blonde man with scruff on his face walk in. Lawrence groans loudly next to me.
" come on" he mutters under his breath. Once the man comes in the kitchen and sees me standing there, he stops.
" oh hello, who might you be?" His flirty tone gives me all sorts of déjà vu of Lawrence except he is a younger dorkier version. He extends his hand and I give a thin lip smile as I shake it. He brings my hand to his mouth and kisses it lightly.
" fuck off Travis"
" hey what's with the hostility? I'm just introducing myself to the beautiful woman in our Lord home. I'm a guard after all. It's my duty to know everybody's name, and agenda"
" she's Ambrosa sister dumbass flirt with her again like that kick your ass" this is coming from a guy who kissed me. I don't say that of course I just turned and smile.
" my name is Katrina"
" thank you for not being as rude as this ass hat"
" no problem" I chuck before turning back to my soup, stirring occasionally. Tia and another woman the house, both soaking wet from the storm.
" you couldn't have waited up" Tia complains.
" sorry I just figured you too would want to have some girl time " both women shake their head.
" cat you know Travis already, this is Faye she is the town witch and healer" Lawrence grabs his food and throws it on a plate before sitting down at the table. Still introducing the people.
"Hi im Faye" this girl was very whimsical even in the way she dressed. She seem to have sparkles flying around her. Even though I'm pretty sure it was just my imagination.
" Katrina" I smile, taking my soup off the burner.
" your aura...." she inhales and closes her eyes. " it's captivating" if the way she looked wasn't giving magic fairy vibes the way she speaks definitely gives it away " you seem to have a lot of emotions attached to you" her eyes open widely " I'm not saying that you're emotional" she talks very fast " I was just saying that other peoples emotions seem to stick on you like glue". Shequickly takes the seat at the table, looking embarrassed.
" know that you guys have all met and we made it I think I'm gonna go home and lay down" Tia says very tiredly. I can almost see her sway as she walks. I didn't almost see her sway she is definitely swaying. She almost looks us if she been drugged. I watch her as she slowly makes her way towards the door, I hit Lawrence's arm making him stop eating and look at her.
"Tia" Lawrence says getting up instantly rushing over towards her. She yawns breathing deeply.
" I'm fine" she almost winces out.
" you need to sit down now" Lawrence hold one of her arms and put his hand on her back. He looks over to Travis and Faye "has she been like this the entire time?"
"No I mean she looked tired but she said she wanted to come up here so we could meet the new girl" Faye peeps out.
" I'm fine. I just need a nap." Tia barely makes the words out before her eyes closed and I see her knees give out. Lawrence is holding her up but quickly picks her up fully.
" somethings wrong with her. We need to get her to your house Faye" Everybody jumps up we all start to rush out of the house, even through the pouring rain making our way to her home she leads the way Lawrence carries tias unconscious body. Lawrence set her down on the table. Faye immediately begins looking her over.
" I'm gonna go let Alice know what's going on" Travis's demeanor is a lot more serious.
" I think she's at the new house Travis" Lawrence says,pointing him in the direction of Alice's new home. Once Travis is gone, I sigh. Lawrence rubs my back while keeping his eyes eyes on the exam table.
" well isn't this interesting..." Faye hums. " Lawrence, could you grab me the grape jelly from the fridge?"
" sure..." he walks over and dose he says bringing the jelly back.
" why grape jelly?" I can't even say I had any clue why she needed jelly.
" strawberry jelly blocks my magic" she smiles at me like it's the most serious sentence she's ever said. She immediately gets back to work and I looked to just shakes his head laughing.
Faye big clumps of jelly in her hand while saying a spell that she's reading from her spell book.
" good news she's OK, she just needs some food, food, water, and lots of rest.
" please tell me there isn't bad news" Lawrence brows furrow in worry.
" well it all depends on how she feels. She needs lots of rest, so doctors orders you guys need to sho sho at least for now" we follow Faye out of her exam room both me and Lawrence take a seat on her couch. An hour passes Lawrence still sitting in the same position, tapping his leg nervous. He gets up knocking on the door lightly.
" give her some time Faye said she needed sleep"
" I can't just sit out here and wait for her to come tell us when she's OK" Faye walks out with her finger pointed at Lawrence.
" I told you she needed rest, now you come knocking on the door. It's not easy for 2 she needs sleep" Faye stops in her tracks covering her mouth as she stares at us. " I didn't say that."
" she's pregnant"Lawrence says shocked.
  " shut up, you can come in both of you, but you can't say anything I need to be the one to tell her" Faye glares at us. I stand following Lawrence into the room. "Tia how are you feeling?" Faye tries saying as sweetly as possible.
  " good where am I?" She looks around confused.
  " you're at my place, you passed out and we brought you here so I could check you out"
  "Damn it. Faye you didn't do some weird witch stuff on me did you?"
  "Maybe... only slightly OK" Faye says defensively. Tia lays her head back before pointing at me and Lawrence.
  " why are they smiling like idiots" Faye's eyes shoot to us and we both clamp our mouth shut.
  "Pshh who smiling" Lawrence says with a very obvious smile on his face.
   " what is smiling?" I raise my hands up cluelessly. We are both very bad liars.
  " ignore them" Faye turns to Tia with a very professional look on her face " have you slept with anybody lately?" Tias mouth drops open as she looks between us. 
  "What...faye what's going on" suddenly it seems like it dawns on her " I'm..."
  " yes if you don't mind me asking, have you slept with anyone  recently?"
  " I slept with-" her eyes shift to me it's like she doesn't even have to say the words I know who she's about to say "Zane"
  " OK I don't know who the zane guy is however if you need anything, I will be right here with you. Make sure to drink it. It will help with the morning sickness." Tia takes it with her head down.
  " if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask me" I look at her with condolences. I don't know what she will choose to do, but all I know is I'll support her with either decision.
  " thank you cat animals are probably scared to death with the rain I should probably get going" she throws the sheets off and walks out the door slowly. Faye turns to us with a smile.
  " please show yourselves or hang out however my familiar is needing my help right now so I have to deal with that" she smiles before snapping her fingers and instantly she's gone.

   By the time, me and Lawrence leave her home rain had cleared at least for now. We walk over to one of the benches that overseas. The shore. Neither of us say a word until we sit.
  " I have to tell you something" he turns to look at me folding his hands.
  " what is it?"
  " I am leaving Hayden's gate" my eyes open wide as I take in his words " not for good my sister needs help with some renovations at her village and I offered to come. I'll be gone for about two months." it hits me again. A wave of jealousy. I don't like it on myself however, it seems to brew more than ever.
  " or maybe to go see new lady friend" I turned away from him, rubbing my hands on my leg.
  " what are you talking about?" I can feel his eyes and attention on me.
  " I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that" why am I jealous? He made a mistake by kissing me that's all it was.
  " oh come on why would I be going to my sisters to see some girl? Who is this a girl you speak of"
I close my eyes for a moment, shaking my head.
  " I heard you and Ambrose the other night at the party" when I look over at him, he still looks clueless " you told him you met him through your sister and-" his laughter cuts me off. I look at him shocked how could he be laughing in a moment like this?
  "Ohhhh you mean that incredibly beautiful woman that I met through my sister" is he trying to rub it in.
  "I mean I guess" I turn away from him again crossing my arms over my chest staring at the sea below us.
   " is that why you were upset the other night" his voice lowers his laughter stop.
  " don't lie to me"
  "Fine yes" I snap turning to look at him again except this time, I move my whole body to face him " yes I was upset because you kissed me and then you said all that to-" he put his hands on either side of my face, stopping my words instantly.
  " it was you" the smile on his face grows even more " I said I met you through my sister because technically I met you through her village. If you went and stole from anyone else's village, I would've never met you that day. So I said I met her. And I never told him because what was I supposed to say? I think your sister is breathtaking and I'm completely infatuated with her" he stops before taking a deep breath "he would've killed me where I stood if I told him who I really cared about"
  " so you were talking about me..."
   " yes I was talking about you"
" but what about the kiss you kissed me and then ran off"
" exactly I kissed you, you're my best friend little sister I'm not supposed to think about you that way but"
  " but what?"
" but I do and there's nothing that Ambrose could ever do that would change that" his eyes grow sad as he stares into my eyes " he would kill me if he ever knew about us" he rubs his fingers along my jaw. I Lean into the warmth of his hand.
  " maybe it's best if we keep the under wraps until we figure out what's going on with the whole Zane situation"
  "Agreed" he leans his putting a soft kiss to my lips. Something that I didn't expect him to do. When he pulls back I raise my eye brows at him.
  " I thought we just agreed to keep this under wraps"
  "Eh it can start right now" he flashes me his contagious Smile and I can't help but smile right back.

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