10. Beomgyu/Yeonjun

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I'm an idiot.

Leaning my elbows on the kitchen counter, I hang my head and rake my hands through my hair.

It's been three days. Three days and I can't stop thinking about it. Can't stop replaying the entire night in my mind, trying to pinpoint the moment I lost my head and started falling for his shit.

I should have known better. I did know better.

Right up until I didn't.

I try to think about something else—college, Mia, literally anything else—but it doesn't work. He's made himself at home deep inside my head and I can't shake him. Pathetic, considering he hasn't said a word to me since I left his room on Friday night. I guess he wasn't lying when he said I was no different than anybody else he fucks. He used me like the easy little slut he called me and then tossed me out on my ass like I mean nothing. Less than nothing. It hurt, but that was his plan all along, wasn't it? To hurt me...

And I practically begged him for it.

Feeling nauseous, I close my eyes and run my hand over the hollow pit in my stomach, my other hand cupping the mark he sucked onto my neck. I hate the way my heart beats faster every time I remember it's there, which is all the goddamn time.

A throat clears behind me, and I turn my head to find Jisoo standing there, widening her big round eyes at me like I'm stupid.

"Dude, you're in the way," she says, tilting her head at the coffee machine I'm blocking.

I back up out of her space, and she stretches to grab a mug from the cupboard overhead. She'll be there a while if she's sticking her fat ass out like that to get a reaction out of me. She's probably not doing that though. I'm just pissed because she slept in Yeonjun's bed last night—again—while I spent the night alone in the next room, knocking my head back against the headboard and wishing I was her.

She side-eyes me with a blank look on her face as she sips her coffee, her gaze dropping to my throat. I know I'm being petty, but I don't bother trying to cover it up. If I have to listen to her getting drunk, watching horror movies, and doing who knows what else with him through the wall, she can stand there and look at the hickey her fuck buddy gave me.

She purses her lips, and I'm pretty sure she's trying really hard not to laugh at me, the little bitch. I glare at her, and she rolls her eyes before she starts to say something, but then—

"Soo," Yeonjun says from the doorway, and he does look at her ass, his eyes eating up the tight ripped jeans she's wearing. "You ready to go?"

"Go..." She frowns.

A beat passes, and she shakes her head with a knowing little smile on her lips. She finishes her coffee in record time, probably burning her mouth in her haste to go with him, then rinses her mug before putting it in the dishwasher.

Yeonjun won't even look at me. He fucked me so hard that I can't sit down without getting hard thanks to the ache in my ass, and now he's acting like I'm invisible, like I'm not standing right here in front of him.

He wasn't exaggerating when he told me I'd feel him for a week. It feels like he beat me up again, only this is better—or worse—because it's not just my face. I can feel him all over me. His teeth marks on my neck, the bruises on my hips, the knife he left in my heart...

He and Jisoo move to leave, and I just stand here like a dumbass, working my jaw when I catch a glimpse of the chain he's wearing around his neck beneath his t-shirt.

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