Smiles & Moles

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For all those who feel insecure about their moles...
This person over here loves all of those..
Each one of your mole.. I LOVE them all ♡

I see you got those tiny little moles..
It speaks alot and asks me get close
The one on your chest..
Another one..
At the corner of your eye
That one on your neck makes me on..
Not forgetting..
The other two on your thighs
I wanna badly kiss those all
But all I do is simp over your smile..

Wanna peck that bold one..
Which is on your side cheek
And fuck those..
Which are right below your lips
I'll bite the one of your ear
And smooch the one of your hips
I'll grab both your hands and place it over the bed
Just to kiss that lonely mole..
Which is on your forehead

The triangle you got at my favorite spot
Holy Jesus!!
Why the fuck your moles are making me feel so hot!?

My dangerously rough hands..
Wanna feel those all..
Suck that every soft spot..
Where your moles are
But before I could even touch that one your palm
Your smile got everything..
Which makes me lose my charm<3

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