Chapter Eight: First Impressions

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After about four hours, we arrived in front of a larger lake house. A large deck curved around the sides of the house, and another one stretched the same length on the second floor. Trees shaded the land around the house, keeping the heat at a low range.

Three cars sat in front of the house, parked a perfect distance away from each other. I sat up a bit and started to unbuckle Mary's seatbelt. She was asleep, clinging tightly to her blanket.

I slowly lifted her in my arms as Robin silently opened the car door for us. "I'll start grabbing the bags. Robin why don't you show Regina the way to a bedroom for little miss." Zelena suggests, already opening the trunk. Robin began to protest but Zelena scowled at us. "Go. They'll be excited to see you."

He smiled and nodded, placing a hand on my lower back. "Just come with us. I'll get the stuff later." Robin insisted, holding out his other hand.

Zelena sighed and shut the trunk, taking the offer. "Alright. I'm going to get dinner started okay?" She walked past us and opened the door to the giant house, disappearing.

I turned to Robin and but my lip. He looked down at me, brushing Mary's hair back as he chuckled. "Don't be nervous, my love. You'll fit right in." His lips brushed mine, calming me down quite a bit.

I nodded and shifted Mary on my hip, taking a deep breath. "I have nothing to worry about, right? We're going to have a great time." I assured myself as we walked into the house.

Inside, two large staircases swirled up from a lower floor and went even higher. Muffled voices could be heard behind a closed door and then Zelena's laughter. I smiled as Robin lead me up the right staircase. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was filled with joy by just being here. Robin was excited and ready to see his family.

Robin's parents had gotten a divorce when he and his brother John were little. His mother remarried and had Zelena and Robin's two brothers Peter and Tuck. This weekend, it was his mother's side of the family that was coming as well as John who had remained living with Sarah, Robin's mother.

"This is the room I usually stay in. You and Mary can have it." I look up as Robin moved around the room, pulling back the blankets for Mary.

"Oh sweetie are you sure?" I ask as he gently took Mary from my arms. He kissed me softly and nodded.

"Of course I am. You two take the bed and I'll sleep on the couch." Robin sets Mary down and looks back up at me. "Please don't argue. There's nothing much I can do about it."

Just at that moment, there was a knock on the door. I continued to tuck Mary into bed as Robin went to answer whoever was on the other side.

Mary stirred and I brushed back her hair. "Hi baby." I whisper gently as Mary's eyes flutter. "Go back to sleep okay? We're here and mommy is going to go with Robin okay?"

She nodded and groaned before turning over. I stood, joining Robin as he opened the door. There, a man about my age stood. His hair was short and brown.

Robin immediately smiled and wrapped his arms around the man in a huge hug. They both chuckled and pulled back, robin snaking his arm around my back.

"I thought I could find you here." The man said, his eyes traveling to me.

"You thought correct." Robin replies. "Will, this is my girlfriend Regina." Will stuck out his hand and I shook it politely, smiling wide. "Regina, this is Zelena's husband Will."

"It's nice to meet you. I'm glad you could make it." Will says, scanning his eyes up and down my body. I blushed and mumbled something close to what he said. Robin held me close as the men spoke for a little bit before Mary stirred again.

"... Just came up to grab a fishing pole. If you want to you can join us down at the dock. Zel is working on dinner right now so I might stay and help. But everyone else is down." Will was saying when I heard Mary's small mumble.

"Mommy?" She called softly over the rustle of the sheets. Will started a little bit, leaning to see who had spoken.

"I'm so sorry." I apologize, setting my hand on Robin's chest. "I'm going to go get her and you go ahead and go down okay? I'll find my way."

Without letting Robin reply, I brushed my lips against his and smiled. "Go." I whisper. "We'll be down in a second."

A/N: hey guys! I hope you're liking this so far! I've gotten some pretty good inspiration and I'm super excited to finish the book! I'd update a chapter every minute of I could!

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