Chapter Twenty-Two: The Question

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The headlights to my BMW flickered off as I pulled up to a parking spot. The crickets chirped so loudly that I could hear them even with the radio on. My fingers drummed on the steering wheel as I checked the time for the seventeenth time in two minutes.

Pull yourself together, Regina, I thought to myself as I took another deep breath. This isn't new for you. You're excited, not nervous. Remember?

The city park, my favorite place this time of year, sat in front of me in anticipation. What awaited on the other side of the hedge was a complete mystery.Before I could realize what my legs were doing, I stood from the car and locked the doors, strutting towards the entrance.

It was dusk, almost 8:00 by now. The little black iron fence that stood in front of the tall hedge was barely visible along with the outlined archway that led into the secluded park. Two or three stars twinkled above my head in the purple sky, waiting for the others to come out from their hiding. Unfortunately, the moon wasn't feeling the same and hadn't made an appearance today.

My heels made a dull thud against the pavement as I stopped, smiling at the scene. Old timey street lamps flickered on down the path to the main pavilion where Christmas lights outlined the edge of the roof a table for two was set up underneath it all. Robin stood in an olive green button up, dark blue jeans and brown docksiders that matched the seam of his jeans. He had on a black coat with his arms outstretched. A bouquet of flowers, mainly a mixture between sunflowers and roses, was held firmly in his arms. Roses for romanticism and sunflowers to make the arrangement seem original and special.

My heart fluttered as all of my nerves washed away. This was Robin Locklsey. The man that I loved and wanted to be with every second of every day. The man who I could share anything with and trust with all my heart.

I finally made it to where he stood, not even letting him greet me. My hands gripped the front of his jacket as I pulled him close, kissing him with great  passion and gentleness at the same time. Robin chuckled and rested his free hand on my hip, the plastic wrap on the flowers crinkling between our bodies.

Color rushed to my cheeks as I bit my lip to suppress a giggle. Robin took a second to scan over me, as did I, before he spoke. "You look gorgeous, my lady." His voice was low in his chest as his lips brushed my temple.

"And you look stunning. Thank you for the wardrobe option. It fits like a glove." I reply, smoothing the wrinkles in his shirt that I had made seconds before. Robin's chest rose and fell underneath my hands, the rhythm of his heart gently pounding against my fingertips.

Robin's hand encompassed my own before allowing his lips to brush over my knuckles. "I thought you might would like to take a stroll before eating?" He suggests, knowing what my answer would be. "I know you get a little nervous so I thought I'd let you calm yourself." Robin chuckled, eliciting a laugh from me as I slapped his arm playfully.

"Me? Nervous? You must be mistaken." I retort, taking his hand. We begin to walk, my head resting on his shoulder as an arm wrapped around my waist. The park was empty but beautiful. Rose bushes were smartly planted along the pathway, gathering near each lamp post.

It was a truly beautiful park. Very green and full of different plants. Pavilions and park benches were strategically placed so that the paths wound around them. The brisk fall air surrounded us as we walked, our bodies huddled together for warmth.

"Hey." Robin's voice was low in his chest as his lips met mine, wrapping his arms around my waist. I hummed in appreciation, allowing him to continue speaking. "Do you remember the first time we met?"

My eyes lock with his bright blue ones as a crooked smile curved my lips. "How can I not?" I ask. "We basically lived together."

Robin chuckled again, kissing me softly. "I remember what I first thought when I saw you. I couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful you were. How strong you seemed." His words made me blush as we walked, adding to my already pink cheeks. "And then I actually got to know you. Got to understand your past and learn about the relationship with your daughter. And it inspired me. You are so passionate about what you do and who you care for yet you don't ever think about yourself. Everyone else comes first but you put on this facade that you're also okay, even when you aren't. You aren't selfish. You'd sacrifice you're happiness for the wellbeing of others. And you stand up for what's right, no matter what. You fought for the right cause and still do. You help people everyday. You've taught me so much."

I open my mouth to protest but Robin cuts me off. "No, Regina, it's true." My boyfriend insisted. "You've taught me how to carry myself; with confidence and care. You've showed me the real meaning of family. Not only is it those who you're related to, it's those who you cherish. I strive to be as strong as you are and how well rounded you are. I strive to be as caring as you are. I want to learn how to be the best parent I can be to my new son and I know you'll help me out more than humanly possible. You've done such a great job with Mary and you don't know how much that makes me love you even more. Because not only are you someone who cares for herself, but you care for such a sweet little girl. I love both you and her more than you will ever know. Regina you've changed me so much more than I would have ever expected and taught me so much about what love really is and I-"


Wiping the tears from my eyes from Robin's speech, I turned to see little Roland on the other side of the park. Zelena held on tightly to his hand as he tried to run towards me. He wore a little jacket with a bright red shirt under it with white letters. Mary stood on the other side of the woman, smiling wide.

"I'm so sorry!" Zelena called, struggling to hold the little boy still. "I didn't think you'd be here and I just wanted to take them by the park before putting them off to bed."

"Gina!" The little boy whined. My heart warmed as I crouched down, welcoming the little boy with open arms.

"It's alright." Robin chuckles, standing behind me as Zelena let go of Rolands hand.

The little boy raced to me, almost stumbling into my arms. His unruly hair was everywhere as he giggled, clinging to my dress. I kissed his little cheeks, holding him close in my arms. I had missed this little boy so much.

Standing up, I rubbed Rolands back. He whined a little, wiggling in my arms. "Hey buddy, what's wrong?" I asked.

"I hot!" Roland grunted. Trying hard to suppress a laugh, I gently slid the coat off of his shoulders and held it in my other arm. I kissed his head once agin, not able to get enough of this kid, before leaning back a bit.

"What's your shirt say, buddy?" I ask, shifting Roland to one hip. He shrugged, holding my dress firmly in one fist as I studied the words on his little shirt.

'Will you marry my daddy?'

My heart froze as my breath hitches in my throat.

Did I read that correctly?

'Will you marry my daddy?'

Tears formed immediately in my eyes as I covered my mouth, looking up at Zelena and Mary. Both of the girls were holding on to one another, obviously very excited. Mary bounced on her toes as she pointed behind me, smiling happily. Roland giggled and laid his head on my shoulder, comfortable where he was.

I slowly turned around before bursting out into tears. My body shook as I watched Robin kneel down and pull out a red velvet box. Inside was a beautiful diamond ring with two smaller rubies on either side. It was perfect. He was perfect.

A sob escaped my lips as I watched Robin's hopeful face. "Regina Anne Mills, will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?"

A/n: HE PROPOSED!!! HE PROPOSED!!! Hey guys, so.... What an eventful chapter! And I am very sad to say, this will be the last numbered chapter. I do have an epilogue for you all to read so don't worry. THIS ISNT THE FINAL CHAPTER! Just the last numbered one you'll see. I'm also working really hard on that original piece as well as my next fanfic. It will be an AU but it'll be in the EF... A little something different for you all. Anyways, I hoped you liked this chapter and I can't wait to post the next one to (sadly) wrap up this sequel! Please feel free to leave comments below! Thanks guys...

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