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Rachel's P.O.V
R:Hey dad, daddy I'm going to Sam and dean's house.
L:Ok Hun be home by 9:00.
R:Actually can I sleepover.
H:Sure just be home by 5:00 tomorrow.
R:Okay, thank love you text you later.
Both dads: love you too

At Sam and Deans house

I knocked on the door and no one awnsered and that was weird. So I knock again and Sam opens the door with an apron on. And his hair all full of flour.

D:Who is it?

All you is deans voice.

S:Why don't you come and see.

All you see is dean come out with his hair all while like Sam and with an apron on and an apple pie in his hands and a shocked look an his face while I laugh at the fact he was baking.

R:hi Dean
D:hi Rach, how are you?
R:good, oh and hi Sam
S:hi Rach
R:What you doing, Dean?
D:Baking a pie for you*giving me a kiss on the cheek*
R:Ahhhh thank you
D:Your welcome
R: Ummm Dean I have an appointment tomorrow at 11:00 do you wanna come with me? And can I sleepover?
D:of course I want to come. and sure you can sleepover R:cool I get my bag from the car. Oh I have sudden craving for pie.
D:ok get your bag and we can eat

I go to my car to get my bag that weights 25 pounds because of all the food I have. I go inside in pain because of the bag. Dean then sees me.
D:Rachel are you okay? Let me take your bag.

He grabs my bag and realized my bag is heavy.

D:What in here?
R:All the food you don't have
R:because I'm pregnant and I have cravings. Now I want pie with peanut butter with pickles.
D&S: that disgusting
R:Are you the one pregnant I didn't think so. So can someone get me pie with peanut butter with pickles.

Both of the boys shocked at what I said and they both started to get my food.

R:Thank you. And sorry I snapped pregnancy hormones *i said and I stated to cry*
D:Oh I'm sorry Rach I didn't know you felt like that. Don't cry
R:sorry pregnancy hormones

It all ready 11:00 and I finished my pie already I asked the boys if they wanted any and the said no. I told Dean and Sam I was going to bed because we have a long day tomorrow. They said goodnight. Dean said he would be up in a few minutes. I go upstairs and I went into Deans room and put on my boxers. I also put on a shirt that was Deans because I didn't want to put mine on. I put his shirt that said St. Louis. Dean keep explaining why he go the shirt. he go the shirt because when Sam and Dean got in a fight the would always meet up there. Dean said he loves it when I where the shirt. I get in bed a fall asleep.
About an hour later, I hear someone come upstairs. I feel him put his arms around And say:

D:I love you good night

Then he goes do done to my belly and say:

D:I love you baby and I hope you grow up to be just like your mother.

He think I'm asleep but I'm up. he's been sing the tune of Carry on my wayward son The lullaby version. half way into the song I fall a sleep with a smile on my face.
My alarm clock beep for the third time I left self hit the clock three time. it's 10:00 what it's 10:00 I have to get ready. I wake up Dean. He is grumpy.

R:Dean we have an hour to get ready let go.
D:what time is it.
D: we both need to take a shower and there's not a lot of time.
R:But No monkey business got it
D:Ok whatever you say
R:let go *I said taking his hand and lead him into the bathroom*

Once we go to the bathroom I start to undress and so dose Dean all were in is underwear and a bra

R:We got to do it. but you can laugh.
D:laugh at what
R:the fact that I'm a only a 34a in bra's
D:why would I be mad R:because I'm small.
D:no I'm not mad *he said taking off his boxers*

I look down and back up and he said

D:you like what you see

you nod your it was your turn to take off your underwear and bra I did it nervously he then looked. he looked up and down you waiting for what he is about to say

D:wow you look beautiful
R:thanks *i said while blushing* lets get in we have to leave in 45 minutes

We both jumped into the shower and I turn on the water to warm because Dean doesn't like it hot I like it hot. Anyways he wanted to wash my body and hair. And I let him do it and he let me wash his body. Once we got out it was 10:37 and we only had a few minutes to get ready and leave. We got dressed. I was wearing sweet pants and an oversized shirt.
Dean wore jeans, combat boots, a red t-shirt, and his leather jacket he let me wear. Sam was ready this whole time. we were heading to the car and I say:

R:I call shotgun.

Sam roles his eyes and gets in the back I get in shotgun I do a little dance and Dean laughs at me. We drove for about 10 minutes and we arrived 5 minutes before the appointment. Dean and I were at the front

R:we have an under the name Rachel Berry
The nurse:ok wait a little the doctor will be right with you.
R:ok thank you
Nurse:no problem

The nurse said that and we went to go sit I was looking around and I was the only 17 year old in room and I'm think of how much I've messed up with my life. Dean notice that I was staring into space.

D:what wrong
D:no tell me
R:it's just I'm the only teenager her and everyone staring at me like I'm a slut *i whisper to him so they don't hear what I'm saying*
D:hey it's ok it's not your fault it Finns because he forgot the condom
R:thanks i needed that *i said and cleaned my nose*
Doctor Ackles: Rachel Berry
R:that's me
DA:is there anyone your bring
R:yes him*pointing to Dean* and him *pointing to Sam*
DA:ok follow me

We got into the room and the doctor said to lay down I did as told me. I was really nervous about something going wrong. Dean looked over and saw that I was very nervous I was, so he grabs my hand, I feel so much better.

DA: so Rachel how far along are you
R:4 week so a month
DA:you look like your 2 months
R&D:WHAT!!!!!! Why?
DA:because your carrying triplets
D:what *he said with tears in his eyes*
DA:would you like photos
R:yes 5 please
DA:ok I'll be back soon

The doctor said as he left the room.

D:why five pictures
R:one for me, one for you, one for my parents, one for your brother, and one for ummm.
D:one for who
R:one for umm Finn
D:ohh ok

Then the doctor came into the room and handed us the pictures.

R:thank you
DA:no problem
R&D:wen should are next appointment be
DA:in 4 weeks so when your 2 months
D:ok thanks

We then leave and say bye were in the car and Sam spoke up.

S:so do you guys have photos
R:yes Sam and we have one for you.
S:ohhhhhh can I have it
R: stop acting like a child and yes here

I gave him the photo and he gave me a look.

S:why does it look like there two shadows
R:there's not two shadows
S:then what is it
R:congratulations your an uncle to triplets.
S:awesome, Hey umm... Dean what do you?
D:I think it awesome that I get to talk care of three children with Rachel

Rachel smiles and intertwined are fingers together. In about a half an hour later we got home because of traffic. it is 10:00 and I told Sam and Dean I was going to bed Dean followed me I'm changing taking off my bra because I don't sleep with them on. Dean thinks I'm sleeping so he said good night to me and the babies and kisses my belly 3 times but 1 for good luck. And is humming the tune of 'carry on my wayward son' that makes me go to sleep.

finchel vs deachel: life as we know it *CANCELLED*Where stories live. Discover now