Parents and Siblings

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Rachel's P.O.V

I was in the living room watching Teen wolf, When my favourite character comes on STILES. I scream in excitement. All of the sudden Dean comes into the room

R: Hey Dean I ju- *i got cut off by him*

D: Rachel this is someone I want you to meet someone

R: Ok, who is it

D: You gotta come to find out

R: Ok

We walk off into the kitchen and than I saw Dylan O'Brien I slowly walk behind Dean and notice that he isn't to tall so I go behind Sam.

S: Hey, why you behind me *he tried to push me off of him*

R: Um I-

DO'B: Don't be scared I don't bit *hugs her*

R: Well it's not that it's just that I had this like little crush on you

DO'B: Oh

R: Sorry, I'll get over it

DO'B: No it's fine, now I heard teen wolf playing in the background wanna go watch it?

R: Of course I wanna watch it! Let's go *pulls him*

DO'B: Ok, ok no need to pull.

R: Then hurry SLOWPOKE DO'B: I'm not a slowpoke, I bet you I can beat you there since I had to run for the Maze Runner

R: You're in the Maze Runner, I have been in love with Thomas Sangster for so fucking long

DO'B: How Long

R: Ever since 2003 when he was in love actually!

DO'B: Well since you love him so much, I guess, I could take you to set and let you met him. I'm sure he will like to met you


DO'B: Of course

D: What about me?... You don't love me anymore?

R: No, I love you I just have so many TV boyfriends, you should know this by now

D: Okay, let's go back and talk to your parents

R: kk

We go to the front living room and we see my parents

C: Hi Rachel

R: Hi, Um...

C: Um, you can call me dad if you want.

R: Of course I want to. Daddy.

I run to hug him. Then Dylan comes up to me.

DOB: Rachel can we go to the water park today?

R: Of course. Can you bring all your actor friends too?

DOB: Yup, for sure.

We packed all of our stuff and drove to the water park. Can't wait.

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