Rep and Prep.

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(Sorry for taking so long to write this chapter omfg it's literally just filler 😭)

After a few hours, Milliandra finds herself coming to the destruction. "Gavin couldn't have done this himself... Thank you for telling me about this place, even if it was just for a job." She turned to her client, a tall enough fella in glasses.

"Yeah, I heard you were good with healing magic so I figured I could pay you for resurrecting this town and stuff. I only need you to bring back their lives, my chronomancy should be able to rewind the damages. Maybe get them over here so that no buildings repair themselves on a person you know?" The client requested, Milliandra nodded in response before beginning to cast her spell.

Meanwhile in hell, Gavin and Eryx were to meet with the current demon king. As they travelled, Eryx started up a conversation.

"Yo, why we walking there?" He said.

"I need time to breathe before an interaction with that guy. Swear he's always pissed about nothing." Gavin sighed while they approached the building. 

"If I was demon king I wouldn't be so stuck up like that, I mean it's just about power not attitude right? I guess they really don't care about rules all that much down here, but that's what it should even mean to be king." Eryx yawned, not caring all that much about respecting an infernal title. "Just another demon, like us."

"You could be right.. yeah. That's good to keep in mind, pretty calming too. Thanks Eryx." Gavin smirked a bit, he seemed to take a liking to the little guy. 

"Course dude, anyway let's shut up about politics. We got a meeting anyway." 

They eventually made their way to the meeting room. It was just the two of them and the demon king.

"You're here for your payment for that town of devil hunters." His appearance seemed humanoid enough, though he was very obscured by the surrounding darkness. All that was visible of the demon king was his suit and red sunglasses it seemed. 

"You could, but there's the issue of your daughter. I'm sure her magic has grown more versatile after these few mind dull years, mainly regarding the healing stuff." Gavin stated.

"I see. You believe a revived kill doesn't count. Very well, I will help you eliminate my offspring under the condition that you will kill her. I'll assign this job to you, but should you fail I'll be forced to put out a bounty and let those freelancing mercs do it for you. I'd rather pay an actual employee and not some lucky fucking monkey... Anyways, I'm aware of her abilities as I am the one who taught her in hopes of her working under us rather than those half-breeds. Hand me the Yamato for a moment." 

Gavin obliged and passed the Yamato to the demon king, who turned around with it. A glimpse of his arm revealed that he was wearing a black suit as well. "Yamato is now enchanted with a poison that temporarily nullifies simple regeneration, it should give you a window to eliminate her swiftly. I want you to go one extra mile, though and corrupt her god too. Items will be supplied, should you desire..." 

Gavin nodded. "Of course, The Phoenix right?"

The demon king responded with a dark enthusiasm. "Indeed, though you will need to distract Milliandra for the corruption to settle in, I trust your partner can handle her long enough. Corrupting her phoenix should get rid of her magical healing, though if she were to awaken her devil trigger.. it might cause a little trouble. She is my daughter after all, I think her inherited demonic power could prove challenging. Allow me to restate the terms more clearly." 

The demon king took a breath before stating his conditions.

"You are to corrupt The Phoenix and be rid of Milliandra. Failure to defeat her will result in termination from the organization. Is this a task you're willing to accep-" 

"Yeah. I'll get it done." Gavin said.

The demon king hesitated slightly. "And you, Eryx? Are you willing to give Gavin the time he needs to corrupt Milliandra's Phoenix?" 

"Hell yeah, I'll die if I need to!" Eryx announced.

"Then it is settled..." Stated the demon king.

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