Getting Into It

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Warning!: ..smut..

  Bubba woke up first this time, and seeing Kickin chirping and wagging his tail, filled Bubba with "Awe" as he petted Kickins head feathers.

As Bubba kisses Kickins feathery forehead, the door flung open as Bobby ans Picky stepped in snickering, and stopped when they saw Bubba laying with Kickin, as Kickin nuzzled his chest chirping and wagging his tail.

"What the actual Fuck!?" Shouted Bobby, causing Kickin to jump up.

"What? Wha.." Kickin said as he look behind him to see the ones he actually hated, in his houses staring at him in disbelief.

Picky snapped a pic and shoved Bobby out with her, slamming the door behind them as Bubba and Kickin heard them chuckling outside as the chuckles faded.

"Well know the others are going to find out.." Said Bubba as he got comfy in Kickins bed.

"Prepare for a mother load of questions  muffin"

"muffin?" Replied Kickin as he slowly turned to Bubba with blush filling his feathery cheeks.

"What? Is someone blushing?~" Bubba teased.

"S-shut up" Kickin blabbered out covering his face, trying to hide his blushed filled cheeks.

Bubba wanted to take things a step forward, and sat up moving his face closer to Kickins. When Kickin uncovered his face, he was met with Bubbas close to his. Bubba moved closer  and Kickin blushed harder.

Soon enough, Bubba was extremely close to Kickins face and after a long wait, he kissed him. Bubba kissed Kickin, and Kickin kissed back.

Bubba broke the kiss, and kissed him again but with tongue, just for them to start making out in Kickins bed.

After about 8 minutes the kiss was broken by Bubba as he pinned Kickin to the bed, with the support of his arms holding him up above Kickins body.

Kickin was a blushing mess, not knowing what was going to happen next. After a little while, Bubba got up and Kickin watched Bubba as he locked the door, immediately knowing what was going to happen next.

Bubba walked back to Kickin After locking the doors and closing the blinds, and stood infront of Kickin with a smirks on his face.

"Are you ready?" Bubba asked Kickin slowly opening Kickins legs as he stood infront of the open legs.

Kickin hesitated before nodding his head as Bubba pulled down his, and Kickins pants and trousers, resting his dick against Kickins entrance.

Bubba began to slowly pushes it in as Kickin grasped the bed sheets releasing a soft moan along with a slight chirp as well. When it was fully in, Bubba began thrusting slowly. Kickin let out some quiet moans. That was until Bubba stopped, leaned forward, and went faster and harder into Kickin, as Kickin moaned louder ignoring the fact Hoppy  and Bobby lived next to him, and could most likey hear him.

Bubba moved even faster, causing Kickin to grasp the sheets tighter and moan louder, along with releasing pleasure full chirps. Kickins legs were shivering and shaking as he felt Bubba go deeper and harder into him, with the feeling of his stomach heating up.

"A-aah~...i-i nghh~ am g-gonna..mrhh~.." Kickin tried to get the words out, but he was wasn't in the right mind to speak right.

"Me too~" Bubba replied to the pleased avian, knowing what he was trying to say.

After a short while of thrusting and moans coming from Kickins mouth, Kickin finally came. Bubba pulled out of Kickin and came on Kickins stomach.

They both were breathing heavily, as they laid next to each other.

"W-we should do t-that again some time" Kickin teased as he faced the blue mammal.

"Oh yeah?" Said Bubba turning to face the chicken smirking.

Kickin smiled and kissed Bubba, before snuggling Him as Bubba lifted the covers over the two of them, and they slept for the night.

(648 words)

☆My Only Love☆ |Enemies to Lovers (Bubba x Kickin)Where stories live. Discover now