Chapter One - Tuesday

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Hiiii!!! So this is the first chapter of my story, I really hope you wanna read it, since I'm gonna spend a lot time on it <3 Enjoy here the first chapter: Tuesday :))))

Hi, I'm Louis Tomlinson. Yup, the Louis Tomlinson. The popular, sass king and soccer caption on Palmers Green High School. If you want to know a bit about me, my name is Louis, I'm 17 years old, my best mates is called, Niall, Liam, Zayn and especially Harry. Oh Harry, my best friend from primary school. He means the world to me, he is my forever best friend. But, I got one of the biggest problem you can actually get. I've got feelings for Harry. I love him. And not in the best friend kind of love way, but in the 'I want you to be my boyfriend' kind of way. Surprise. 

But hey it didn't surprise me first when I discovered I had feeling for him, which was two years ago.. I mean Harry is popular, he has the most delicious curly hair, he is tall and skinny, he has the prettiest green eyes. Okay I think you get it, Harry is really attractive, and he also knows so, because every girl in our year is surrounding around him all the fucking time. I shouldn't really be jealous, since he isn't really mine, but it still hurts to see your crush get every girl around him.

It's not like I don't have that too, because I have, I'm really attractive too, people say, and every other guy would love to be me with all the girls, if it weren't for the fact that I'm gay. and nobody knows. Not my mom or my sisters, which I am very close with, and not Niall, Liam or Zayn, who is my best mates. Not even Harry, who knows everything, and I mean everything about me, except this of cause. 

I could never tell him, not because I think he won't support me because he will since he was all cool about Zayn coming out as Bi, so he isn't homophobic. But I could never tell him then he would figure out I had a crush on him instantly. You see, I'm not the most cheesy person on earth. I'm more of the sassy time of guy. I used to be called 'The sass masta from Doncaster' since I lived in Doncaster before we moved here to London. But around Harry, who I trust with the bottom of my heart, I'm like a teenage girl with her first boyfriend. We have a very close, cuddly and cheesy relationship, and it's killing me from the inside, knowing it won't mean anything more to Harry than in the 'friend' way. I just wish I could, hug and kiss and cuddle him all the fucking time. But he isn't gay, I know him well enough to know that, and he would never like me more than a friend. It would fuck up our relationship, and I don't think I can live without Harry, no I know I can't live without him. He is my best friend and the only important person in my life and he has always been. Ugh now I talked too much about that stupidly perfect boy again. I always do, surprise. 


Today is a normal day. Tuesday morning, 7am halleluja. I, like always, are being woken up by two little girl crashing in my room, screaming my name. Lovely. Don't get me wrong, I love my little twin sisters, but damn they can be too much with their hype energy in the morning.

"Louis!!!" Phoebe screams and jumps on me, a mixture of a moan and a groan of pain are released from my mouth.

"LouLou, wake up, mom made breakfast!" Daisy screams just as loud and joins Phoebe on top of me. I sit up with a groan and try the adjust my eyes from the bright light the girl had turned on. 

"Girl tell mom I'm out in ten minutes, okay, now please get off you are heavy on my bladder and I have to pee" I try to say with the most calm voice as possible even tho I'm pretty pissed since it is the morning, and I'm not in the best mood in the morning.

"Okay!" The girls say in equally and jumps off before leave my room. I quickly get into the bathroom that are connected to my room since I really have to pee after they sat on my bladder. 

After minding my business, I take a shower and then go back to my room to get dressed. Normally everyone at my school has to wear uniforms, but the principle made some new rule in a kind of way and now we can wear whatever we want, which I really appreciate, I hate those ugly, boring uniforms. I get dressed in a pair of olive green, skinny jeans and a white tee with a navy blue knitted jumper over. I put on some perfume, set my hair in the quiff as it is in as usual, and get downstair to the rest of my family, eating breakfast. 

When my mom eyes me she throws me a soft smile and takes a bite of her toast before speaking up to me. "Morning Boobear, slept well?" Ugh that nickname, I really hate it but my mom loves it and uses it always. "Morning and yeah it was alright" I answer her before taking a plade and starts to make myself a toast as well. 

Right when I finish my breakfast I hear a car honk from outside, and I know it is my ride to school, I grab my thing, put on shoes and a jacket since it is November so it's damn cold, and I say my goodbyes to everyone before leaving out the door and in Liam's car, where Zayn, Niall and Harry is in the backseat. 

"'ello boys" I say and puts on my seatbelt before Liam starts the engine and drives off to school. The ride I mostly talk with Liam, since we are the ones in the front seats so it's easier. Harry and Niall talkes about some mobile game, and Zayn are sleeping, like always. That man sleeps everywhere he is, whenever he gets the chance, it's impressive he can sleep so much and still be tired all the time. 

-5 min later still in the car on their way-

"No Harry the fire man is better! He will win easy over the rock thing!" Niall says, a bit loud and Harry makes a cute groan in disagree in him. "No way Niall, the rock I a hundred times better he would win" Harry says pouting and I see in the rearview mirror that Niall shakes his head. "You can't be serious Niall! the rock is better, tell him Lou!" Harry pouts even more, and I spin on my seat to face them. 

"Honestly, the whole conversation you two had made no fucking sense but I would say the rock is a winner" I say grinning at Niall who seems to be unsatisfied, and Harry who is all smily and laughs. Ugh his cute laugher, I can't get enough of it ever.

"See! Lou even agrees!" Harry says to Niall before giving me a knuckle. I grin and as always starts to blush at his touch, which is often. "It's just because Louis likes you more" Niall mumble, but still loud enough to both of us to hear. I love Niall he is my best lad but he is right, I like Harry more, of course I do, there is nobody I love more than Harry. 

"Maybe he does, are you jealous Nialler?" Harry smirks and laughs, I soon joins him and a quiet 'whatever' is the last we hear from Niall on the drive. 

- in the school -

Liam and Niall had music class, Zayn had Art class and Harry and I math. Ugh god damn, I hate math and I am terrible at it. Harry on the other hand is a natural talent at math. We all five agrees to meet again at lunch, and we separate to go to our classes. Harry and I enter math class and take our usual seats next to each other in the back. 

"Alright class, today I want you to work on a paper sheets I will be handing out, you have to work with the person you sit next to and it depends on your grades so I hope you will work hard for it" Our teach Mr. Farack says bus he enters the classroom and starts to hand out our paper sheets. "Good thing I'm paired up with you" Harry says and looks at me with warm eyes, the eyes I have fallen in love with, the beautiful green eyes. "Don't say it's a good thing, you know how bad I am at math, I mean you could be done with the whole assignment before I even are done with the first question" I answer him, and he giggles before hitting me playfully on the arms and speaks up "I'm not talking about the math dummy, I'm talking about I'm glad I'm working with you" He smiles, and my whole world melts at his cuteness. How can a real human being, be this fucking adorable? His smile that lights up my whole world? Ugh I just wanna kiss that smile of his, but I know I can't...

"Thanks" I mumble, blushing and look down since I know I have been staring at him for way too long, but I can't help it, he is just so perfect.

"Lou?" I look up from my thoughts to see Harry staring at me "Huh?" is all I say before he replies "Should we get started?" his voice is calm and a bit of laughter on it. I look around to see the whole class is already started, how long did I really stare at him? "Uhm ye-yeah" I say and starts focusing on the paper. Harry just grins and starts working too. 

Hope you like the first chapter!!! Please keep reading <333 

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