Chapter Two - Lunch

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As you can imagine all the boys sat together at lunch. Me, Harry, Niall, Liam and Zayn. As usual, at our usual table. Harry and I had been working 'hard' on the paper sheets in math. And with hard I mean, Harry had been trying to do it while I had been staring at him, and not getting anything done. But I should really stop doing that because one: It gets wired when I stare at him for too long, which I do all the time because I can't stop again. And two: he will notice and get to thinking about it, which I would not like, if he found out my secret. 

But yeah, after math I had geography with Liam. It was pretty boring, we were just talking about all the diffrent kind of oceans there were in the world. And now we are at lunch, my favorite time of day apart from when we get time off. 

We all also sit in our usual order around the table. On my side it is Liam, then me and then Harry, and on the other side it is Niall then Zayn. Around this table at lunch we talk about everything on our minds, it's pretty calming to have time like this, I really like it. 

"Anyone who wanna come over to play videogames and watch movies on friday?" Niall then asks us looking around the table, eyeing everyone. 

"Like a sleepover?" Zayn says, and grins. 

"If you wanna call it a sleepover then yes" Niall answers, and Zayn grins even more before speaking again "How old are you, five?" and Niall slaps him, and Zayn burst out in a laughter.

"It's not like that, we just play videogames, watch movies and be together, stop making me sound so childish" Niall says and pouts while crossing his arms.

Zayn ruffles his fake blond hair and smiles, "But you are the child Ni, and you know it, but I'll be down" 

"Yeah I'll be down too" Liam joins in, and smiles his innocent smile. Zayn, Niall and Liam turns their head to Harry and I and waits casually for our answer. 

"I'm in" I reply and turns to Harry "what 'bout you Haz?" he looks at me before turning to everyone around the table. 

"Uhm yeah I'm in" He smiles. Before I could progress anything, Niall slams his hands together in a loud clap and starts speaking again, "Great then it's settled, friday after school, my place and videogames" he smiles big before going back to shoving food in his face. Damn that man loves food. He eats food every time he gets the chance and he is always hungry and yet, he doesn't gain one pound. Unbelievable. Liam and Zayn also go back to eating but more gently than Niall of course. Harry goes back to whatever he was doing, I'm not quiet sure what, but he just sits and stares out the whole cafeteria. Maybe he has a lot on mind? And I? I got back to admire him ofc. What else could I do, when I had the opportunity to admire this beautiful and handsome boy? Okay very cheesy I know but, I'm in love, give me some space. 

"What are ya'll doing today?" Liam asks us all. "I'm having an art project I have to get done so I'm staying at the art class to get it done" Zayn says. 

Liam, Niall and I stared at each other with our mouths and eyes wide open before all looking at Zayn. "What?" he asks, looking at us all very confused. 

"Since when did Mr 'I don't give a fuck bout school' choose on his own to stay here in his free time?" I say sassy, and Niall laughs. 

"shut up Tommo, like I said, I have a art project to get done you arseholl" Zayn replies, rolling his eyes. 

Liam, Niall and I starts laughing our asses off at how pissed Zayn was, it was quiet funny. Harry stays quiet. He is normally the one of us who laughs the most (apart from Niall) it's wired why he is so quiet today. Maybe something happened? I need to talk to him. 

The bell rings after 5 minutes and we all get up to throw out our trash, and head to the next class. I stop Harry as he is about to enter the hallways, and pulls him in one of the corners of the cafeteria. He looks confused.

"What're you doing Lou?" He asks.

"Hazza did something happen to you? I mean you were all quiet at lunch, and seemed down" I say and look directly in his eyes.

He looks down quickly before he looks up and meets my eyes again.

"No everything fine Lou, no need to worry" He says and shots me a quick smile.

"Are you sure Haz?" I say and places one hand on his shoulder, which I immediately regrets because the butterflies in my stomach is flying around like crazy at the touch of him, but I keep my hand on him.

"Yeah, I'm sure Lou, thanks for caring tho" He says and kinda laughs it off.

I chuckle at him caring voice, but I'm still not convinced everything is okay "No need to thank me Hazza, that's what best friends do"

He smiles and goes in to hug me, and I swear my stomach does at least five loops of excitement. My cheeks burn in a tomato red color and his warmth. Omg..

"Thanks Boo" he whispers, in my ear. I smile wide and squeeze my arms around him.

When we sadly pull away I grab my bag and is about to leave for class which we are already late for, but Harry pulls in my hand, as a command for me to stay. I look at him questioning, and he trembles a little, biting his lip, looking down. He then finally looks up and speaks out.

"Uhm.. could I maybe sleep at your place tonight boobear?" he says quietly and looks down again. 

I giggle a little before pulling in for another hug. Again my stomach explodes of excitement of the touch of him. "Of cours Hazzabear, you don't need to ask that you can just come whenever you would like" I say to him and I can feel the tension in him realises and he calms down as a relief. 

"Thank you Loubear, is it okay if I just come over right after school?" he says, and cuddles his head in the crook of my neck. Of god my heartbeat is rising like crazy. I mean ofc I had been this close with him before, but ever since I discovered my crush on him, I had tried to be not as close with him in that way, just in case of my feelings to take over my actions and I would do something stupid I would regret. But the feeling of having my Harry this close to me was a feeling I would never like to end. 

"Of cours sweetheart" I say and slaps myself emotionally. Sweetheart? Really Louis? Fucking congratulations, you just ruined every fucking thing. But Harry just giggles and cuddles more into me. 

We stay like that for about 15 minutes before we pulls away, and I miss his touch immediately. "We have missed so much of class already, how about we skip and go to Starbucks?" I say and pulls out my hand for him to shake it. He giggles and shakes it and says "If you insist" and we both laughs. 

I sticks out my arms for him to take it. He does and we laughs and walks out of the school and make our way to Starbucks.

That was the second chapter, hope you liked it. What do you is up with Harry? Does Louis think too much about it? 1304 words.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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