Chapter 6 : A dance of deception

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The night of the highly anticipated birthday party had arrived, and I stood before the grand entrance of the Kim mansion, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. I wasn't just an ordinary guest tonight; I was Kim Hyunjin's girlfriend, and I knew I had to live up to the standard.

My attire was a flowing ensemble of midnight blue satin, draped gracefully around my figure, highlighting my slender frame. The dress featured delicate lace detailing along the neckline and sleeves, adding a touch of refinement. I completed the look with shimmering silver accessories and a pair of sleek heels.

Accompanied by Minho and Jessie, we moved through the crowd, our presence drawing curious glances and whispered conversations from the guests. Minho cut a striking figure in his impeccably tailored suit, exuding confidence with every stride, while Jessie radiated charm in her chic attire, her infectious smile lighting up the room.

Navigating through the sea of elegantly dressed guests, we finally reached the backyard. My gaze sought out Hyunjin amidst the crowd. Our eyes locked in a silent exchange, a shared understanding passing between us as he approached with a warm smile. He looked so handsome, dressed so elegantly. His tailored suit complemented his tall, lean frame, while his dark hair fell effortlessly across his forehead, adding to his allure.

"Hey, Wendy," he greeted, his voice a smooth melody amidst the lively chatter of the gathering.

"Hi, Hyunjin," I replied, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips as he leaned in to press a kiss to my cheek. The greeting was what a boyfriend would give his beloved.

Turning to Minho and Jessie, Hyunjin exchanged casual pleasantries, his demeanor effortlessly charming as he navigated the social landscape. With each word, his charisma shone through, drawing others into his orbit with ease.

As the conversation flowed, Hyunjin's parents, Kim Jihoon and Kim Yeji, joined our group, their presence adding a touch of refinement to the festivities. Mr. Kim's tailored suit spoke of sophistication, while Mrs. Kim's elegant gown shimmered in the soft light, her jewelry adding a subtle sparkle to her ensemble.

"Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Kim," I greeted them politely, though a hint of anxiousness lingered beneath the surface.

"Ah, Wendy, it's nice to finally meet you," Mr. Kim said with a warm smile, his gaze flickering with curiosity.

"Likewise," Mrs. Kim added, though her expression remained guarded, her eyes betraying a hint of skepticism. I could tell she still hadn't accepted the fact that Hyunjin was dating me, a nobody.

"Hyunjin, you never told us your girlfriend was so charming," Mr. Kim continued, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

"Thank you, sir," I replied, feeling a bit more at ease but still sensing Mrs. Kim's scrutiny.

"Well, let's not keep the guests waiting," Hyunjin said, slipping his hand into mine and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Shall we?"

We moved through the crowd together, mingling with the guests. Hyunjin's parents stayed close, clearly keeping an eye on us. Despite the undercurrent of tension, the evening proceeded smoothly. Hyunjin was the perfect host, introducing me to various family friends and associates with effortless charm.

As the night wore on, I found myself engaging in conversations and even dancing a little. Minho and Jessie stayed by my side, their presence a comforting anchor in the whirlwind of the party. At one point, Hyunjin's mother approached me while Hyunjin was momentarily distracted.

"May I have a word?" Mrs. Kim asked, her tone polite but firm.

"Of course," I replied, following her to a quieter corner of the garden.

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