Chapter 1

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Find, find, find, find, find.

It wasn't sure how it got here in this strange place filled with thick foliage but it knew it wasn't supposed to be here.

The beams of sunlight that managed to peek through the leaves were warm against its flesh. It was nice. It needed to find a vessel. It knew that, it knew that if it wanted to survive it must find a vessel.

It scurried along the dirt and grass, searching, searching, searching.

Find, find, find, find, find.

It searched, it looked, it observed the surroundings and the habitants of the foliage. All were too small, too soft, too weak, and too fast.

Find, find, find, find, find, find.

It now laid underneath a bush, having searched till the sun moved from the top of the sky to the far side, making the sky an orange hue as things slowly darkened.

It couldn't find a good vessel and that wasn't good. It would not make it if it didn't find one soon.

Find. Find. Find. Find.

The ground vibrated as something thumped repeatedly against it, the sound of shoes and someone running through the forest caught its attention, making it go still underneath the bush as the sound got closer.

A shadow passed over the bush as the shoes went past its hiding stop before pausing, the shoes slowly shuffled back as the sound of clothes rustling together along with the bushes' leaves being pushed aside, letting the soft sunlight shine in its eye and blinding it momentarily.

It hissed softly, tentacles scrunching up close to its body as it instinctively shuffled away. There were soft shushing sounds as it blinked hard, its eye focusing up at the thing hovering over it.

The thing was a small skeleton with yellow eyes and other yellow accessories along with soft colors that didn't quite match the sky's color when it was morning. The skeleton tilted their head in wonder as they studied it.

"...Oh, hello there, I'm not gonna hurt you. Promise." The skeleton murmured gently as they reached a small gloved hand out to it. It in turn stared at the hand and back up at the skeleton. It noted the eye sockets and how easy it'd be too....

Find, find, find, find, find.



It didn't hesitate to lash its tentacles out, latching onto the skeleton's face. They screamed and struggled to get it off, it refused to let go, it couldn't let go, it needed a vessel.

It found a good vessel once the skeleton stopped fighting back.

It smiled.
Nightmare fidgeted and paced around the tree. Dream was supposed to be back by now, he went out to explore the forest and hopefully find some berries or something and he should have been back by now.

Oh he shouldn't have let his twin go alone! Nightmare groaned as he clutched his head, anxious for his twin and frustrated at his choices that led up to this. He should have known better!

A twig cracked and Nightmare jerked around.

"Dream!" He exclaimed in relief as he flung himself at his dear twin. "You had me worried sick." He said, voice muffled into Dream's shirt.

Dream was oddly still for a moment before slowly hugging Nightmare back, his gloved hand lightly patting his back as they hugged.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry, I just got...distracted." Dream replied slowly, like he was hesitant in forming the words. Nightmare lifted his head to look at his twin's face, raising a confused brow at what he saw, now registering what it was. "What's that on your face? You're not hurt are you?" He asked worriedly, his hand already reaching over to touch Dream's face, only for his twin to stop him.

Dream touched the blindfold over his eyes himself, it looked like it was fabric ripped from his cape- Nightmare looked behind him to confirm, it was. His twin hummed softly as a smile formed onto his face.

"Oh this? I just thought it'd try something different." Dream explained as Nightmare looked at him in confusion.

"What an...interesting choice, Dream."

"Thank you."

Dream smiled wider.

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