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Wilhem's POV:

This weekend, the majority of students at school are going home. Although things with my parents have been a lot better, I still decided to stay at school because here is what feels like home, not the palace. As the grounds are extremely quiet, I had the idea to set up a cute picnic for me and Simon. I have it all planned out, there's a cute part of the garden by a tree which gets the sun at about 1pm, which is half an hour before I told Simon to be ready because I was picking him up. I put all the food into a cute basket, along with a blanket for us to sit on. I left it all in my room and walked the usual route to his house.

When I finally got to his house, I lightly tapped my knuckles against the door, which instantly flew open.
"Have you been waiting?" I smirk, knowing he'd been sat by the door longing for my arrival.
"Yes. Because you're 10 minutes late!" He chuckles and steps outside and into my space. I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him closer towards me. After what felt like not long at all (because I never wanted it to end), we walked down the road, our fingers intertwined.
"You telling me where we are going?" He says swinging his hand slightly and giving me an adorable smile which made me feel like I was dying because of how many beats my heart skipped and how weak my legs felt, but in a good way, you know.
"School." I said, smirking down at him.
"Wow what a date!" He says, deadpan and rolling his eyes but I could still tell he was joking.
"It'll be good I promise!" I laugh.

After about 20 minutes we arrive at my dorm. The key fiddles in the door as I desperately try to open it. When I finally get into the room, Simon is quick to flop himself down onto the bed.
"If you wanted cuddles, you could've just said so!" He says, pulling his phone out and scrolling through what I assumed was instagram.
"Nope, get up we are going again I just had to pick this up!" I say showing him the basket and standing by the door. He gets up quick, a huge smile plastered on his face and runs out the door.

We make it to the spot I'd chosen for our date and set it all out. The food was in little bowls with lids. I made some Spanish style foods that Simon had shown me how to make in the past and cut up fruits. He shoves some brownie bites into his mouth and moans at how delicious it was.
"All that for a brownie?" I chuckle and he just gives me an annoyed look.
"Doesn't matter anyway, you've done more for me." I shrug, trying to act cool but failing miserably and laughing practically uncontrollably.
"Wilhem!" He yells, his eyes practically popping out of his head before he also starts laughing.

Then I decide to bring out the most romantic snack of all, chocolate covered strawberries.
"Open wide!" I say in such a sing-song tone it's actually unbearable. He open his mouth and I feed him a strawberry. He bites down and we both laugh at the fact we were being so cheesy. He nods as he chews before saying, "nice!" And chuckling more.

To be honest, we don't really eat a lot of food, so we just end up laying on the blanket, the hot sun on our faces.
"You know what Wille, this was nice for a date at school" he laughed, his eyes still closed and laying on his back but I was staring at him. As usual. The sun shone off his skin in the most gorgeous way imaginable.
"I told you!" I smiled. He rolled over and looked at me, who was flustered as I'd been staring for way too long. I attempted to change my position.
"You know I knew you were staring," he laughs, picking up my sunglasses from beside him and turning back to his old position, "don't act so flustered, you always stare at me."

We lay there a little while longer, just feeling the gentle summer breeze on my face and hearing Simone's gentle breaths. This is literally perfect.

"Do you wanna go on a walk?" Simone says.
"Yeah sure!" I reply and get up quick, packing up some of the last things whilst Simon sits on the blanket. I have to stop for a moment to look at my gorgeous boyfriend, who was propping himself up on the blanket, my sunglasses on his nose and his hair curled so perfectly. After what felt like way too long but also not long enough, I got up and threw the blanket over my shoulder and the basket in my hand.

After we dropped all the stuff off in the room, we headed down a little pathway we had only been a few times off the main garden and past the tennis courts. We aren't even sure if it's a part of the school grounds because the path is narrow and winded, but quite beautiful. There are overgrown flowers that sprout around this time of year of all colours.
"Thanks for the picnic!" He said, tangling our fingers together.
"You're very welcome!" I say and we just continue walking in the comfortable silence we were in before. The sun was shining through the gaps between the trees and the air was so humid. It was safe to say we were both sweating, so Simone let go of my hand, but I instantly grab it back.
"Wille! I'm sweating it's too hot!" He chuckled and struggled to get his hand from my grasp, which I just tightened and pulled him towards me.
"It's like 5 more minutes until we're on the main campus, pleaseeeeeeee" I whine whilst also smiling and holding him close until he finally sighs out a 'fine' and we continue the walk talking about how annoying each other can be, sharing odd memories and laughing.
"No! You did you said that you were getting chocolate!" I say, astonished at his recollection of a random story from ages ago.
"I didn't! You said you wanted chocolate, I said I wanted vanilla! And since I was the one who actually bothered to go to the shops, I got what I wanted. Plus cake is cake."
"I don't care what you say, you said you would get me chocolate!" I say, completely disagreeing and dismissing what he just said.
"And what did you say when we were on the phone?" He asks, knowing I know exactly what I said now, the clear vision of the day coming back to me.
"I said I wanted chocolate, but I don't mind what you get, I just want you to be happy." I murmur out, deflated.
"Yet I'm annoying because I did what you told me too. Maybe if you weren't such a sap..." I gently hit his shoulder in a sign of frustration, which he just laughed at.

When we got back onto the main campus, dinner was already being served, which meant we walked extra slow today, as we left to walk at about half 3 and dinner starts being served during breaks at 5.
"What's the time?" Simon asked, knowing I always wear a watch. He sounded quite panicked, probably wondering about his mum, Linda.
"It's half 5, but don't worry I asked your mum if you could stay tonight and she said it was fine!" He suddenly wraps his arms around my shoulders.

We have a quick meal in the hall, as not many people have stayed anyways before (for about the 100th time today) went back to my room. This time, I flopped onto my bed and Simone took a seat in my desk chair.
"It's too hot in here!" He cries, fanning himself with a piece of paper from my desk.
"I can put on the AC?" I ask, agreeing that it was way too hot. Turning on the AC felt like heaven.
"I didn't even know you had AC," he says plopping down on the bed beside me. We sit in a comfortable silence, only our breaths being heard as we attempt to cool ourselves down.
"Do you want some clothes? You don't wanna sleep in denim shorts do you?" I say.
"Could do, but I don't wanna sweat through your clothes,"
"Do I look like I care!" I say laughing, and he does too.
"Are we going out anywhere else tonight?" He asks, propping himself up to face me.
"Then I just won't wear anything," he shrugs.
"That's a much better idea!" I say and he laughs as he moves to lay beside me. I wrap by hands around his waist tightly and he struggles to get my hands off of him.
"Wille! It's way too hot!" He moans and turns to face me.

We don't do much more than that, just laying around watching movies and stalking people on instagram. I told Simme about all the annoying other Princes and Princesses I've met, whilst he showed me photos of people from his old school and told me who was okay and who he hated. It was quite a simple evening, quite a simple day as a whole to be honest but it was really lovely. I love days like that.

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