Chapter 1

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                                                                   BEFORE YOU BEGIN READING!!!

        I just wanted to remind you all that this is my first book.  If you guy's have any suggestions you can put them in the comment's.  I also don't want any mean comments to me or other readers.  Here are all the things you need to know about this book/chapter

-Italics: Thoughts, flashbacks


-Mentions of abuse

-Mention of killing

-Slight violence and gore

If you do not feel comfortable reading any of this then please stop before you start reading.

And without further ado please enjoy reading "The Demon Twins" 


Where are you Ji?


The man in front of her fell to the floor with a thud.  Y/N looks up to see her twin brother, Jisung, standing there with a smirk on his face. 

"Oh, look who decided to join the party your just in time for the cake." Y/N says sarcastically rolling her eyes with her arms crossed.

"Sorry Y/N I had to handle something" Jisung apologizes.  Y/N just rolls her eyes and walks away.  Jisung always has been the one to use his words instead of his fists whereas Y/N.....well let's just say things won't be pretty.  It's always just been the two of them, even when they were little.  Their parents were abusive and never really cared about them.  They hated Y/N the most though, so she got most of the beatings, but when ever they would try to hit Jisung, she would always jump in front of him and take the beating for him.

Maybe that's why Y/N was a little messed up in the head.  When they were ten, however, Y/N lost it on there parents and when they had gone to try and hit her again she blocked it, and ran.  She had gone into the garage grabbed some rope and tied her parents to two chairs.  Then she grabbed a knife from the kitchen and began cutting them.  Jisung had at first tried to stop her, but once he saw the murderous glint in her eye's he stopped.  Y/N had made it look like a suicide so that she wouldn't get taken away from her brother.  It had worked scarily well and the police just brought them to an orphanage.  

One year later, Y/N and Jisung were adopted by a man who called himself The Killer.  He had made the two of them call him that too.  He had trained both of them from that day on to be assassins.  Y/N never understood why he wanted them specifically, but she had never bothered to ask him.   After they turned 18 they left him and didn't look back neither of them liked him very much, but he taught them how to survive so he was good for something at least.  The only thing that they ever promised him was that they would never take there masks off in front of unknown people.  It was so their targets never knew what they looked like just in case their victim survived.  None of them ever did, but they still wore the masks just out of precaution.

They got there name, The Demon Twins  when they had had there first kill together.  They were about 15 years old, and a witness had gotten away.  The person had gone straight to the police and told them what happened.  The police tried to get them to give a description of the two murderer's, but the guy just kept saying the same thing over and over, "Their demon twins. Demon twins I tell you"

They were now on a mission to stop some mafia group from stealing something for one of the twins' allies.  They had gotten every single one of the men there down except for one.  Y/N was now running after him and caught up to him quickly.  She grabbed him and put a knife to his throat.

"You know its unfortunate I have to kill you, your kind of cute."

"Y/N. Leave him"

"Huh? Why? He's just going to go straight to that Chan dude"

"Exactly. What's your name."

"S-Seungmin." The man in Y/N's arms stuttered out.

"Well, Seungmin, we have a message for your boss.  Tell him that if he ever wants to try and harm The Demon Twins or one of their allies again.  There will be blood.  Y/N let the boy go" Jisung stated.  Y/n begrudgingly let him go.  Seungmin stumbled a little bit then quickly started walking away trembling.  Jisung and Y/N watched him go

"What are you planning Ji?"

"A little something, but right now we have to follow Seungmin."

Y/N smirked as she figured out what her brother was doing and they walked away closely following Seungmin.


Not that long of a chapter, but still pretty good.  What do yall think Jisung's plan is?

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