Telling JoJo The News

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It was just about 2 hours later, Shorty woke up with y/n in his arms and she starts to wake up as well, "hey baby" Shorty said as he starts to kiss her cheek, "hi shortcakes!" Said y/n as he starts to blush and giggle by the nickname she gave him. "And hello to you too my little one!" Shorty said as he went down to y/n's stomach and starts to rub it with a huge smile on his face and sighs.

Shorty started thinking about telling his boss about y/n's pregnancy, "hey babe, do you wanna meet my boss today?, but I'll have to go talk to him first!" Shorty said as he looked at his lover. "Sure!" Said y/n as her face lit up with glee, "but, I really want you to stay safe until I get back!, I really don't want the others trying to hurt you okay?" Said Shorty while he held her face with his hands, "alright shortcakes!, I'll keep the doors locked till you come back!" She said as she kissed Shorty's lips, "okay, if anyone tries to break in, hide if you really need to!"

Shorty said he got up to get ready to go tell his boss about the news as y/n got ready as well, they both went to the front door and Shorty kissed y/n before he left, once he went out the door y/n started to lock all the doors and windows in her house and she went to go hide just in case. As Shorty was walking down the street from y/n's house, he suddenly saw Rudy in front of him, "hey Shorty, what's up?" Rudy said as he waved at him, "hey Rudy, I've got some news to tell you but I'm gonna go tell JoJo about it first!" Shorty said as Rudy looked at him.

"Oh well, okay that sounds good!" Rudy said as they both started to walk to the circus tent spaceship wich was not too far from her home, once they arrived they both had found their boss just talking to the other klowns, when the other klowns left Shorty and Rudy went up to him and said that they wanted to talk to JoJo about something. "Hey JoJo, can I please tell you something? It's really important, and I just hope you understand!" Shorty said as he looked up at him, "sure thing Shorty, tell me anything!" Then Shorty was a bit nervous but he just went for it.

"I got someone pregnant!" Shorty admitted to JoJo, "what really?!, congratulations Shorty!" Rudy said as he cheerd for his friend about the news, "wow, who's the mother of your child?, I hope she's really nice!" JoJo said as he looked down at Shorty, "well, she's not a klown, she's a human!" He confesses to his boss that she's not a klown, "WHAT?!" Said Rudy as he was shocked that Shorty had gotten a human pregnant, "why, did you get a human woman pregnant?" JoJo started to question him why he would do this.

"Because I love her!, I've always wanted to have a family!, and I've been talking care of her for 4 months!" Shorty said as JoJo looks at him, "alright, can I meet her?" Then Shorty grew a smile on his face, "sure thing sir!, I'll be right back with her!" Said Shorty as he went to go back to pick up his lover along with Rudy, as they're walking down the street to y/n's house Rudy looked at Shorty who was smiling, and Rudy was still a bit shocked that Shorty got a human pregnant.

"Hey Shorty, can I ask you something?" Said Rudy as Shorty looked at him, "yeah Rudy, anything!" Shorty said as he looked at his friend, "what is she like? I bet that she's nice to you!" Rudy wondered, "of course!, she's very kind, beautiful and sweet!" Shorty said starting to smile a bit wider, and once they arrived at y/n's house, Shorty knocked on she door and she answers it, when she opened the door it was Shorty and she gave him a big hug.

"Hey babe!" Said y/n as she hugs him tight and she sees Rudy, "oh hello, I'm y/n!" She said as she starts to shake Rudy's hand, "hello, I'm Rudy, I'm Shorty's friend!" Rudy said as he shook her hand as well and with that, they went to walk back to the circus tent spaceship to meet JoJo, when the three got there they went inside and y/n has never been here before, it was really cool to her.

"Wow, this place is huge!" She complimented, and Shorty looked at his lover and he smiles at her while holding y/n's hand, and they were all walking around to find JoJo again, then finally they found him sitting on his throne waiting for Shorty and his lover. "JoJo, this is y/n, my lover!" Said Shorty as JoJo looks at y/n and smiles, "nice to meet you Mrs y/n, you must be the mother!"

JoJo said as shakes her and and tries not to pull her arm off, "well yes I am, it's nice to meet you too!" She greeted him, after Shorty and y/n talk to JoJo about her staying with Shorty, and his boss agreed with them and after awhile, Shorty brought y/n into his bedroom and she was amazed about how it looked, "wow, I love your room honey!" Said y/n as she hugs him, and Shorty hugged her back and she felt tired again, and Shorty picked her up and put her in his bed. She starts to fall asleep, and Shorty covers her up with a blanket and kisses her cheek, "I love you y/n!" Shorty said as he starts to crawling into bed with her and he starts hold her close to him and then he falls asleep as well.

Author's Note:
Okay, this is one of the longest chapters I've had in one of my stories, I hope you guys enjoyed this one! ☺️☺️☺️
Have a good day people!!!! 😊❤️💕

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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Shorty x Pregnant Reader Smut 18+Where stories live. Discover now