Chapter 2 Heart.. Sweat.. And Tears..

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I still can't believe they didn't tell me that royalties were coming from Lethenia. It kinda seems like they're pushing me away from royal duties, especially now that I'm apparently partaking in Knight's training.

 "Oh hey Sayla. I've put your training armor ready to put on, need of any help?" Says my maid Vaja, as I arrive to my room. 

*Sigh* "Alright. Let's get this over with." I say.

I arrive with my white Ruineen armor to the training grounds, where Father was seemingly waiting while practicing his bow techniques. 

"Hello, dear Father, long time no see." I said, doing a slight bow. 

"Well thats because I've been busy keeping everyone safe. Same as you will be doing from now on." He says as he shot his focused arrow at the target. 

"Yes.." I say back.

 He was a tall Knight, I guess you could say he was tall dark and handsome. Very lushes, long crow black hair, black armor made of the finest and strongest marterial, Obsididune, with a red gem in the middle as protection from the Queen, aka my Mother. Each Knight got one of those gems as a barrier of protection against enemies, only difference is, the other Knights got green gemstones, which is slightly weaker than the red ones which high ranking knights recieved which were of more importance. 

"First thing you will be doing is ground work, it'll be hard, and exhausting, and you will be doing this for 5 hours a day, with 1 break at most." He says as he shoots his last arrow and faces me with his glaring eyes. 

"Ground work?" I ask looking up at him. 

"It includes running 6 miles everyday from here, to the Gaged Forest and back, were you will have to work for a best of 19 minutes and 25 seconds exactly, anything below that will be labeled as failed and you continue training until you reach that time." He says as if he was speaking to his fellow Knights rather then his Daughter.

 "6 Miles-" I began. "Then, you will run a course of obsecals, will test all your five senses. Complete it fully without any mistakes, you pass." He interrupts. 

"Bu-" I tried again but he waves a finger at me. 

"Listen, no back talking. In these training grounds I will treat you like I would any new comer, not anything more and no less, understood?" He says.

 "Yes... Sir." I say hesitantly. 

"Good. Now to the other trainings-" He says as we stood near the archery place while the warm sun arose from it's morning shine.

Training was hard, very hard to be exact. For the next few weeks I would be running 6 miles every morning until I hit that willed time. Running the obsecal course which caused me quite the few bruses. Training in archery, sword fighting, martial arts, basic survival skills incase I have to spend multiple nights in the wild, and elixer usage. All while royal meetings were going on behind my back. I listened in once when the door was ajar, something about unknown murders were happening in the Baishe region, were the poor lived, far down the vally, behind a thickening forest. But before I could hear anyfurther the door sprung shut. The King and Prince were also still there, but I never crossed paths with them again, as I'd to get up early to do my training and only came in for lunch and dinner times which were different times then their's. I must say, I felt quite lonely, and overworked, each time coming home from this stuff of work, drenched in sweat, bruses and scares, I didn't see my family at all, well except Father, but other then that I was completely isolated. I started to wonder if I really wanted to become a Knight. But I knew Father and Mother wouldn't let me become anything else at this point without powers like I'd assumed. Mother basically didn't give two fish about it, she had Salamone, her heir, and Father, well he, always wanted one of his children to become a Knight I learnt while sometimes having little smalltalks with him inbetween training, to continue in his footsteps, it was part of their trade when they got married, as they didn't marry for love, but for benefical purposes, and since there wasn't a Son, and Mother didn't fancy anymore children, after she figured I took more after my Father, she didn't see a point in having more. So, I really didn't have a choice in the matter.

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