Chapter 4 Help Me..

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As we rode on our horses and down the secret overgrown pathway away from the palace, a thickening fog arose, making it hard to see afar.

 "Stay together please, and always be alert. As soon as we cross the the moss ditch we're out of palace safety." Called out Father upfront, leading the whole little crew. It was 5 other Knights with us. They looked very serious and experienced. They barely even shared a glance with me, and seemed focused more on their footing of the horses. Which I can't blame them for as the ground was quite the challange to go over, even on experienced horses. As we rode for what felt like an age, we crossed the moss ditch by the very OLD and let me tell you, broken down bridge which they could've fixed! But okay. Luckily we all made it safely across, and none of the horses made much of a fuss. I guess they go over this quite often huh? Poor things.

 The few trees that were there almost made it seem like we're in a forest, especially since the mist wasn't getting any better. It also started to drizzle a little and I put my cloak's hood over my head. Seeing the little droplets land on my exposed hair. It was honestly so calming, and so exciting as the rain drizzled and made the air smell like fresh nature and wood. I've never been this far away from the palace before, so everything felt so refreshing. I only realised now what I was missing out from. If this was my life of being a Knight when I debute then I was honestly pleased, and felt like all that hard training would be worth it. Just me, my horse and I, on a trail of adventure. Well, probably pretrolling but still. All my life so far I've been cooped up in the palace, and studied, and learnt all there was to learn. Yes of course we had the palace gardens and realms, but they were created, and not generated by itself. So being out and about like this kinda felt a little eerie.

After probably a couple more hours on horse back and one short break to give the horses rest we arrived. We came straight out from the little mini woods and onto a small meadow, and upfront, was the Yuhkunda forest. It was like being in the middle of a border, were trees were on both sides, and fresh innocent grass in the middle of it. Like someone split the forests in half. The mysterious forest had very tall, dark trees, there was noway of looking inside to see how it was like, as it looked dark, like the void. It was like as soon as you got sucked in, there was noway of getting back out.

 Father led us to a semi big group of men upfront which had been standing there and seemingly discussing about something, whilst others tended to their belongings or horses. There was also a little campfire, but the fire had long gone out as the cold wind and drizzled rain had put an end to it.

 "Eyo! Big guy Manqora! You finally arrived!" Said a musculur guy who approached Father with his mask from said armor in hand.

 "Greetings." Said Father as he got off his horse and hugged the guy brotherly. Father was showing effection towards anotherr person?? Didn't know that he could, he's always so serious, even around his children. Then again, he's barely home and is always out and about dealing with things. I think the most present he was, was when me and Salamone were little, then he started to leave more and more. Maybe because Him and Mother were done having children? But still, could've visited. Hm, needa ask him sometime about that.

 "Man! Everytime we meet you keep getting buffer big guy." Said the man with a smile as his light brown hair waved in the wind uncontrolably. Father let out a small laugh and turned to me.

 "This is one of my Daughters, Sayla" Said Father as I approached.

 "Damn, such beauty. But is to be expected when it comes from Manqora." Says the guy scanning me with amazmined.

 "Eh, heh, hey there." I say being a little baffled at the interaction.

 "Right, stop saying such silly things and give me an update on the situation please." Said Father as his gaze seemed focused once more.

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