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Who's more likely to fire up the stove at 2am because the other woke up in the middle of the night hungry?

Kyojuro. I think Giyuu gets hungry often (due to not eating properly) and just wakes up bc he's hungry.

Which is more likely to swear?

probably giyuu. once he gets more comfortable, he's probably cursing in every other sentence.

Who is more sexually experimental? Who's more vanilla?

Giyuu. he wants to know what he really likes, likes, and what he dislikes. Definitely Kyo for the second one. I think he'd like to keep it soft and such (but I hc them both to like going rough...)

Who would rescue an injured animal and nurse it back to health? What would the other think?

Kyojuro would rescue an injured animal. like, he's SO sweet and Giyuu wouldn't have the heart to say no so... I guess new pet!! (give me an animal, breed, and name for it pls!)

Who has an insatiable appetite? And what does the other do to help?

I'm guessing they mean food and obviously Kyo. I think Giyuu would just try and get him more food cuz what else?

Which one would take their jacket it off and drape over the other one because they were visibly shivering?

Definitely Kyo to Giyuu. I like to think that Giyuu absent mindedly forgets about his own safety and well-being when on missions or in general and his brain is like "so if I die or get hurt, its whatever." and Kyo constantly reminds him that he has to take care of himself.

What's their favorite type of weather to enjoy together? (getting snowed in together, watching thunderstorms, etc.)

I think it would be spring. or fall. watching the leaves fall, the cool/warm breeze is everything.

Who would give their life for the other without a second thought?

I don't know who to choose bc 1) Giyuu gives 0 fucks about his life. 2) Kyo is down bad and would rather die than see Giyuu die. He doesn't think he could live with the fact that he wasn't able to save his bbg.

Who would dance in the kitchen making dinner? Would the other join in or watch from the doorway?

Kyo is definitely dancing. he tries to get Giyuu to join and it sometimes works but Giyuu usually just watches with a smile.

Can they fall asleep without the other?

Giyuu can. but Kyo... nope. I think after the first night they slept together, it's harder for Kyo to sleep because he really likes to hold onto giyuu and make him feel safe.

Would they get frisky at the movies by themselves?

absolutely not. Giyuu hates PDA, and doing stuff like that is a big NO NO.

Does either of them have a secret that could potentially ruin their relationship?

Giyuu does. we all know (spoilers ig) that he doesn't think he should be alive rn so he obviously believes that Kyo doesn't really love him and thinks it's all just pretend or for fun bc he doesn't think that Kyo could really like him. sometimes he thinks "what does he really see in me" and that gets my tears going.

Who's the better driver?

Giyuu. I think he'll take driving really seriously cuz he thinks dying from a car crash is lame (sorry to those who've lost a loved one to a dumb ass car 🙏🙏) EDIT: he also, unwillingly, takes 'flashy lessons' with Tengen so...

Does either of them have a hard time being away from the other?

Not really. they can pretty much last a while without each other but sometimes Giyuu or Kyojuro gets a bit clingy and would want to be near each other for a while. at least like three days or smth.

Who's more likely to do something out of spite?

I don't think either will. but I think Giyuu would be the most likely because he likes to see Kyo's reaction to the stuff he says.

What's a non verbal way they say I love you?

forehead kisses and really long hugs. also cuddling. or just staring at each other. I think they can read each others minds but.... oh well.

Describe their weekend getaway?

I think their house. I feel like, besides Kyo, its the only place he'll feel safe in.

Would they ever go skinny dipping?

Absolutely not. again, giyuu hates PDA. he doesn't care if its private he doesn't want to be caught lacking NAKED.

Who's more likely to carry the other to bed?

Kyo. giyuu gets tired randomly. (I know y'all have seen those "Ms rabbit has fainted. ms rabbit has fainted again" gacha vids about giyuu)

Do they like watching clouds or star gazing?

yes. Giyuu really likes stars and Kyo is trying to get into them for Giyuu.

What do they do to turn the other on/put them in the mood?

Kyo definitely starts touching up on Giyuu's thighs. I think giyuu cling really hard to his shirt or tug a little on his hair.

Whose the serious one when grocery shopping and who likes to toss random things in the cart?

Giyuu to Kyo. I swear they get into heated playful arguments about what they do and don't need.

Kyo: *puts doughnuts into the cart*
Giyuu: "we don't need this."
Kyo: "you never know when we might!"
Giyuu: *sighs*

Who's more likely to hold a grudge after an argument?

Giyuu. my man holds EVERYTHING against someone. he once blackmailed Obama and then Obanai had to let him pet kaburamaru.

Who tops? Who bottoms?

A LOT of people might disagree with me on this (via reading others books) but Kyo tops. Giyuu bottoms. and on random occasions, its the opposite.

Who pulls the other closer when they're sleeping?

Kyo to Giyuu. he likes holding his bbg flesh to flesh, skin to skin.

AND DONE!! this was 60 questions total so I hoped you liked it 😖

anyways. next up is some hc's!!! I might add another ship here but... you'll have to guess. AND MAKE SURE IT'S A LEGAL SHIP!!!

also, you can also give me hc's (I'll tag you!)

have a good day!!!

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