MY OTP ASKS PT 3???!!!!

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Decided to do another one just to be silly.

What is each member’s love language?

Giyuu: I'd like to say... Either quality time or physical touch.

Kyo: definitely physical.

What would they describe as their perfect date?

Watching movies and cuddling in a pile of blankets and pillows with popcorn, candy and all types of treats.

Who made the first move?


Who is more sentimental?

Definitely Giyuu. Idk he just gives "omg pls love me or I will cry." Don't we love crocodiles?

Which member calls the other in to kill the spiders?

Idk. I don't think either would be scared but if its big then definitely Kyo to Giyuu.

Who falls asleep first?

Giyuu duh.

Who wakes up first?

Kyo :)

Who is more more relaxed/carefree?

Do I really have to sag it? Yes. Giyuu MLLL.

What’s one way their personalities compliment one another? (Is it opposites attract or are they pretty similar?)

Sigh... Sun x moon 4 life. Yes they absolutely compliment each other.

Who is always cold?

Literally Giyuu, Kyojuro always has to put Giyuu in like 5 layers of clothes during winter.

Which member is always trying to bring home stray animals and which member always has to say no?

definitely giyuu to Kyojuro. I feel like the last one like this was the opposite but I now hc giyuu to adore cute things so... Yeah.

Who worries more?

Giyuu always worried.

What are some non-sexual activities they do together?


Who would be able to talk their way out of a speeding ticket?

They both would. But I think Kyojuro is much more successful than Giyuu.

Who is the better cook?

I hc giyuu to be from the city and Kyojuro from the countryside so Giyuu's always going to the convenience stores while Kyo be chefing it up in the kitchen 🔥🔥🔥🤘🤘🤘

What are some things they don’t agree on?

the amount of sugar Giyuu consumes everyday. Kyojuro thinks it's really unhealthy but Giyuu is the most unsickly person ever that whenever he does get sick (like every seven years or smth) it's absolutely horrible.

Which member is more physically affectionate?

Kyojuro. He loooooovvvees feeling giyuu up.

Which member is more verbally affectionate?

Giyuu: kiss me.
Kyo: what? Ok!
Giyuu: yippie!!

How does each member feel about PDA?

Kyojuro loves it. Giyuu hates it.

Who’s the safer driver?


What’s each member flirting style?

Kyojuro likes to be silly when flirting while Giyuu goes straight for the bedroom.

Which member steals borrows the other ones clothing?

Giyuu to Kyo, he can't help it. (the tan colors look really good on him, plus it turns Kyo on when he sees giyuu with his clothes so... +1 for Giyuu.)

Who is the cuddle initiator?

Definitely Giyuu. He can't go a single day without being cuddled, and sleeping doesn't count.

Are they an introverted couple or an extroverted one—AKA would they prefer to go out to a party or event together or would they rather stay in?

Kyojuro does anything Giyuu wants so it depends on what Giyuu wants.

Who is the big/little spoon?

Big spoon Kyo, little spoon Giyuu. Sometimes its the opposite, usually when Kyojuro gets back from a tiring day at work or missions.

Who is more likely to make an impulsive decision and who is the voice of reason?

Kyojuro with the impulsive decisions, Giyuu is the voice of reason. I think Kyojuro might be a little autistic or have some sort of adhd or add.

Who’s more likely to laugh at their own jokes?

Kyojuro. Sometimes giyuu laughs but its usually just Kyojuro dying by himself.

Who takes longer showers?

Giyuu. He kind of just stands there with water running down his face and stuff.

Who is “more loved” by the in-laws?

Giyuu. Ruka and Senjuro absolutely adore him and love spending time with him.

Who is more likely to get jealous?

Giyuu. My man does NOT like anyone taking his man's attention away from him or just the last part in general.

What was the most surprising thing they learned about one another once they started dating?

Kyojuro learned that Giyuu likes to stare into clocks for a few minutes for no reason. He just stares. Another thing is that Giyuu should be some sort of diabetic with the amount of sweets he eats every day. (Its like eating a whole cake and then drinking soda or juice.)

Who stays up way too late and who tries to drag them to bed?

Giyuu to Kyojuro. Giyuu simply can't sleep, and sometimes I like to think he's a little insomniac bc he gets very little sleep and can only sleep well with Kyojuro next to him.

Who’s messier?

Giyuu. I think over time he'd get cleaner but he's one of those over thinkers and cannot save himself even if it would kill him.

Which member is more likely to accidentally spend $300 at Target?

Giyuu. He likes to by those overpriced plushies just bc they're cute and Kyo sometimes cries bc all his money is gone.

Who wanted/would want kids first?

Definitely Kyojuro. I think he's always dreamt of being a father and when they learned that Giyuu (my trans king 😍🙏) is prego he cried literal rivers.)

Who gives piggy back rides to the other?

I like to think that in some other universe, they knew each other as kids and would race each other but Giyuu is a slow runner (like me :(( and Kyo would often give him piggy back rides. Yes, they till do it.

Who fell in love first?

well obviously Kyojuro. My man can not resist MY man like, jesus christ man (and yes, wet dreams were involved in the process 😥😥)

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