2019 gega prime

20 0 0

He is in the porta.

He gets a call from messi.

He picks up and says;
"Ik ore byfqir"

He says and calls ronaldo
"Kete penajti e kap vetem per ty o lala"

He says as he catches the penalty and hits a foal from his own porta. Real madrid tries to buy him but i flation made the nigger too expensive.

He  goes to peme to eat his sufflaqe.
"Bejm nje sufaqe me mish o ta peme"
He says knowing he is gonna steal it.

The jigaboo in him senses the sweet smell of chicken meat.

"OOOOO AAAAAAAA OOO OO OOO AAA AAAA AA" he shouts as he hits hasim with a chair and ahoves peme away from the pan with oil and chicken.

He eats the chicken and drinks the oil before hitting his pose.

"A pithrop A" he says to hasim as he leaves.

After monda finds this out she screams." RIGEEEEEEEEELSSSS"

He is terrified.

Luckly all she wanted was ciggarettes.

He goes to first floor of pallat amd back up.

"Skishte o ma"

He says.


She screams and chases him to the first floor. He stands at kike the child molesters barbery and screams at her.




She chases him to koshi until he went to shpresa.

He was more afraid of his mok than the dogs.

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