(XOXO: kisses and hugs)


[This is after the battle their all in class]

~~Gayoroki's pov~~ (todorokis)

I approached Midoriya to ask him a question, it was about my crush, he was the only one who knew who it was so I needed advice from him. "Hello Midoriya" I said to him. I felt bakugou starring at us, I knew he was probably jealous, he always was. "Hi Todoroki-kun, do you need something?" He asked, in which I responded with "I need some advice, it's about how to ask y'know who out." Midoriya just gave a smile, "be yourself Todoroki-kun"

I nodded and walked away. Be myself? I thought to myself. 'Well, his eyes remind me of a red geranium,(a flower search it up) so maybe I should get him those. yeah, that's perfect!' I went to the store and bought the flowers, I went to my dorm to mentally prepare myself for tomorrow which is when I'm going to confess! 

I kept repeating what I was going to do and say to him before I heard a knock at my door. "Todoroki wanna join us for truth or dare in the dormatoriam living room?" It was momo, I thought for a minute and asked "who all will be there?" Momo responded saying, "Mina, Deku, Jiro, me, Aoyama, Bakugou, Denki, Kirishima, Ochaco, and Iida" I immediately lit up at the name of my crush. I quickly got up and opened my door, "sure I'll go" I said trying not to act excited.

When we got there, there was a seat next to Iida Momo sat next to Jiro so I sat next to him. Mina started off with, "DENKI! Truth or dare" denki looked shocked at first then put on a proud expression "Dare, I ain't a chicken!" Some people laughed at this remark, but I was to focused on Iida, who had chuckled a bit. I realized I might be looking like a creep so I paid attention to the game. "Hmm, I dare you to try to do a backflip" I saw Denki try to attempt this before and fail, so that was probably Mina's intensions. "Alright bet!" Denki said full of himself. When he did attempt he landed on his stomach instead of his back, it could've been worse and he could've landed on his neck. He groand in pain, Kirishima patted his back. "That was very manly" Denki got back up after a minute.

 It was his turn to ask a question "Iida, truth or dare?" He said knowing what he'd choose "I shall pick truth, I do not want a broken neck because of you Denki." The rest laughed including Denki "valid point, but since you picked truth, do you have a crush?" Denki asked. A blush creeped to Iida's face "yeah" he responded, Wich made me worried but excited at the same time. 

I was worried because what if it wasn't me. I was excited because what if it was. I looked to Midoriya and he gave me a reassuring smile. I was going to confess tomorrow so I needed as much confidence I could get. When we were done playing truth or dare we went back to our dorms because it was getting late. (I might make a bonus chapter on what they did during truth or dare)

The next morning I got ready, grabbed the geraniums, and went to the class. There I saw Midoriya and Bakugou, I walked up to them "hey guys" I said. Izuku looked over "ooh, you finally confessing to him I see" Midoriya said wiggling his eyebrows, bakugou looking confused said, "who are you asking out? I didn't know you even liked anyone" I blushed a bit "Iida" Bakugou looked surprised, but then said, "well, I never knew you were gay but I think he'll say yes." 

The rest of the class now came in. Iida was talking with Ochaco, "I'll go now, wish me luck" Midoriya gave me a thumbs up as I walked away. 

I walked to Iida and Ochaco "hey Ochaco can I talk to Iida" I was holding flowers behind my back so they couldn't see. Ochaco walked away. "Yes Todoroki?" He said, I gave him the flowers "for you" I felt blush creep to my cheeks. "Thank you Todoroki" I couldn't tell what he was feeling but he did have a smile so I decided to say, "Iida I really like you and I was wondering if you'd like to be my boyfriend?" I saw Iida look surprised, he then hugged me. "Of course I'll be your boyfriend!" I cannot express how happy I was. I hugged him back and kissed his forehead. 

"Finally, congratulations you two" I looked back to see it was Midoriya giving us a thumbs up. "Thank you Midoriya" I said followed with a "yes, thank you Midoriya" Iida said after me. I looked at his and saw how happy he was. "No problem and I'll leave y'all to it" he then walked away, I guess he can finally walk correctly. I looked at Iida and kissed him on the forehead again. "I love you" I said, in which he responded with " I love you too" 


Welp, that chapters done. I'll be writing all day on all 3 of my books so I have a tight schedule 

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